Return in the past 1

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It was around noon, America had  partially stop his hangover, he had now only a slight headache . As for Confederate, he had gone to fetch lunch. After having lunch in silence, America began to question his former enemy.

"How is it possible that you are still alive? I thought I killed you with two bullets in your heart. And then, I attended to your funeral and your body was in the coffin. How can you be here?! "Quickly asked America, without however watching Confederate, fearing that he would  disappear the moment he looked at him .America realize that he was a victim of his drunkenness for thinking like this.  Confederate thought about his response and how to explain what had happened that day.

"You see, America, some things are extremely difficult to explain, and I could not tell you how this is possible. But, it turned out that I woke up on a bed instead of resting  in my grave . I could not see very well, despite the help of my glasses. I remember a very sweet orange fragrance that perfumed the room. And as I was trying to get out of that second state, I felt a very soft hand against my cheek and I passed out. My second awakening was very sweet, a female voice was singing a kind of lullaby in a language that is totally unknown to me and even today I have no idea what language it was."

Confederate stopped speaking, and began to reflect upon the events that followed this song, he had very little clear recollection of the moments that followed his second awakening.
He remembered a very beautiful woman who was not human and what surprised him was that she had no flag on her porcelain skin that shone under the soft rays of the moon. She had a very fine face, slightly fleshy lips but decorated with a dark red, a small nose and finally silver grey eyes which where reflected two suns . Her long black hair fell on her bare shoulders and stopped only at the point of her hard pink nipples.It was only then that he realized that she was completely naked. This goddess body leaning over him. Her porcelain skin was against him and he could smell her sweet lavender fragrance. Her pretty mouth approached his, and she kissed him. Forcing him to open his mouth, she spread a strange bitter liquid inside him. After this kiss, she got up and stared at him with her beautiful grey eyes. That was all he remembered about that strange night. After the passage of this woman, he fell asleep deeply. And he was awakened by Thirteen Colonies.

At the same time, America was tired of waiting in silence.

"Well, someone resurrected you with a formula from a dead language and then nothing?" Asked America, as he searched his pockets, he tried to find the card of this bar.
Confederate was surprised to hear the voice of America and he had to reply with embarrassment .

"Yes, that's right. I don't remember what happened next." Confederate knew it was a lie but he did not want to tell America what had really happened, after all he had no right to and he had promised it to Thirteen Colonies, in the discussion they had that day.

"Um." America knew that Confederacy was lying but he could not do anything at the moment to force him to tell him everything, he had to resign himself to changing the subject. "Why, there was this strange card in your beloved box? I tried to find the address of this bar but it gave nothing."

"That's normal, this bar doesn't exist here." Confederate calmly replied, looking more closely at the card, he had only been there once and, to be honest, it was a rather strange place, where many characters met. It was not only countries, Confederates remembered to have seen some illustrious characters competing in a game of chess or other games of strategy or fun. Thus, he had seen Caesar face Napoleon at the chess games, Confederate had not stayed long enough to know the final outcome.

"How? But where could it have been then?" asked America with an unbelieving face.

"I cannot tell you, I have no right to do so. Do you have other questions?"

"No, I will leave. But I would just like to know how to contact you if I have any other questions."

"That won't be possible, I must leave soon. You can asked Greece, she often takes care of the passage from one world to another.If you want to see me."

After these words, Confederate helped America get up and led him outside of the apartment.
Going down the stairs alone, America reflects on what had just happened . As he left the building, he walked down the street and stopped in the middle of the crosswalk. America looked with amazement at where he was. It was not the modern United States.

America is now in an other world, who will he met from those who had died a long time ago?

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