A visit in Moscow 2/?

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The long meal had finally ended, Stalin beckoned them to follow him. The small group arrived in a small dark room, chairs were stored in bulk. Everyone sat on a chair. Stalin beckoned to someone behind him and the film was projected on the screen hanging on the wall. It was a Soviet propaganda film, showing a positive face of the regime. Repeatedly recalling loyalty to Stalin, who was always shown as a strong, charismatic, healthy man... 

France tried so hard to not laugh  during these passages, because the man in question was far from this completely idealized portrait. Just about his appearance, he had the face marked by smallpox. But also , he had the look of a suspicious man, he seemed to trust no one. Its strength resides only in the terror he inspires, then in the work of propaganda and indoctrination of his people.

After this long movie, Stalin beckoned for a next film. But since France no longer wanted to endure one more hour of propaganda, she apologized on the pretext of going to see if Russia had woken up. Stalin acquiesced and France left the room.

Climbing the steps of the stairs, France looked at the few decorations present. But she was cut off in her observation by Russia which threw herself into her arms. The poor little girl was sobbing, France lifted her up and asked her what was wrong.
"I've ... I made a big bad stuff,Mommy . Don’t tell Dad, I don’t want him to be mad at me."Murmured Russia sobbing more and more against her mother’s breast. France sighed and whispered to her daughter that she was going to try to repair what she did and that she would not say a word to USSR. Arriving in their room, France first noticed the mess that reigned there.

"Did you  fought against ghosts ?" Said France while laughing . Her daughter made a deaf complaint against her mother. Before detaching her head a little from the warm body , reassuring and protective embrace of her mother.

"When I woke up earlier, there were all kinds of people that I didn’t know. They were around me and I couldn’t escape.I couldn’t see their faces because of a kind of mist. But only their eyes could be seen and they were empty. Like there was no light inside , they were so cold. I tried to get up but my body refused to move . I couldn't speak . I was very scared. I didn't know if daddy or you will come back. So I was waiting. At one point ,one of these strangers moved into the room, he touched the wall and moved certain objects and then he put something in the hatch that had opened. Then, I don’t know what happened. There were screams. Some people started crying, shaking.Then one by one they came out of the room. When it was the last, he took something from a drawer and went away. For several minutes, I heard the sound of guns and many screams. I wanted to leave. To get out . And my body was finally willing to get up . When I came out of the room, I wanted to see where you were. But everything had changed, there were traces of blood on the floor. A man captured me and led me into a cellar. I tried to struggle all the way, to bite him but he wouldn’t let me go. At the bottom of the stairs, there were bodies crowded with humans and what seemed to be countries.The man put me over the corpses, but when he was about to shoot a pretty woman I had never seen before touched me and I woke up in my bed. And it was when I got up that I dropped everything. And make this mess.'"

France was silent. She had never dealt with anything like that, it was not her specialty at all. No, that kind of thing it was him who knew so much. She had to contact him urgently and  Russia needed for her own safety to leave  as soon as possible.

"It’s nothing, my dear, just a bad dream."

"Yet ,it was so realistic. Don’t you believe me? "Said a crying Russia , she pressed a little more against her mother chest. The latter , hesitated about what she was about to say to her daughter.

"Russia , I... It’s hard for me to know if what you just told me... is real or just a nightmare. "Whispered France gently caressing the back of her daughter.

"if it’s real, can we get out of here?"

"Russia , I’ll at least try to get you to leave hre,for myself or your dad it's for the moment impossible to come back to home. Due to political reasons. "

"Alone or with aunty Greece? "

"Greece is busy but don’t worry you won’t be alone. You told me that one of the men present had hidden something in the room. "
Russia replied yes and she told her mother each step. At the last ,France still hoped that her daughter had a bad dream but the reality is much more cruel. A small trap opened and France picked up a packet of letters, each of the sheets was coded.

France had become livid, she absolutely had to get her daughter out of here. Carrying her daughter in her arms, she came out of the room. Arriving at the bottom of the stairs she found herself facing the USSR and Stalin who wondered what she was doing with the child who had gone back to sleep in her arms. France put Russia on a chair as she felt that the body of the poor child was getting warmer. Stalin left on his side , he ignored all of these humanoids creatures and he distrusted them like the plague , who knows if they do not plot against him .

Russia was again put in her bed. USSR questioned France but she was too panicked to answer any . She got up abruptly and asked him where the nearest telephone was , he told her downstairs , in the hall . France went there directly, unfortunately the phone did not work any more. And it was the same for all the ways of communication present in the house. Plus, outside an icy storm prevented them from leaving. Everything seemed doomed for the poor child trapped in the past.

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