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After  the Roman Empire left the house, the USSR sat in the kitchen and began to think about  the conversation he just had  with his father-in-law. He now knew that France had hidden many things from him and that those who were believed to have disappeared were still present in this world in one way or another. It reminded him of the Russian Empire which was often reflected in the ice and often observed him without saying anything. When the USSR was unlucky, the Russian Empire made his little remarks whose sole purpose was to annoy and drive the USSR mad with rage.

Upstairs, in the room France began to regain her spirits as she rose , she went directly to the cradle of her daughter. Making sure she had nothing. And France noticed that her father had laid on his  granddaughter a crown of laurels whose leaves were made of gold. France gently removed the crown and placed it on the chest. Sighing, due to the childishness of her father . She looked again at Russia and saw that she was sleeping deeply, she decided to leave the room.

Going down from the stairs , she looked towards the kitchen and noticed USSR sitting on one of the chairs, he seemed to be in full reflection . The temptation was great to startle him by approaching behind him, without a sound.

Slowly, she approached her companion, and as she reached his ear, she blew some air, and put in the same time her hands on the shoulders of the USSR. He uttered a little cry and startled . Turning behind, he saw France smiling at him with an air of satisfaction at having surprised him.

USSR was preparing to scold her but she took his head and glued it against her chest, thus suffocating any protest of him. As she stroked his hair , her gaze landed on the tablecloth and she noticed the slight tear. France removed her hands from the USSR and quickly lifted the tablecloth and looked at the place where the tear was located, the wood of the table had the same trace . Her beautiful grey eyes became dark, anger could be read very clearly.
And she calmly asked USSR if it was her father who had done this and if they had had a friendly discussion . USSR confirmed that the Roman Empire had planted his sword in the kitchen table to show that he was serious about protecting his daughter and granddaughter. And, he added that the discussion had gone rather well. France did not answer anything and she went to release her nerves in their garden.

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