Mothers milk

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It had been three months since Russia was born, she slept deep in her little cradle and seemed to have inherited all the strength of her parents. She often cried to claim the attention of her parents or Greece, who had decided to stay home to help her sister with the infant.

During these three months almost all the countries of the world had come to the house of France to see the infant, the reactions were very different. Some were happy for France, and watched with curiosity and fun Russia, this was the case for UK, Canada, New Zealand, Antarctica, Belgium, Scotland, Romania... While others did not know what to say about this birth but had come out due to curiosity, such as Mexico.

The only one who didn't come to see Russia was America. It was not curiosity that he lacked, but rather the courage to bear the gaze of France and the rest of his family, who would judge all of his remarks or gestures, and he would not tolerate it. Moreover, his enemy was present, ready to provoke him at the slightest opportunity.

The calm reigned  in the old house, while Russia slept in her small wicker cradle.

Two people who had abstained from mutual pleasure during these three months, to take care of the baby. Couldn't wait any longer and without making a noise they kissed. Breaking the kiss, the sighs, then filled the room showing this desire so repressed. To please his lover, the USSR began to gently caress her body, covering her with kisses. So fast, but with each contact with her skin France felt herself radiated with warmth, and the pleasure rises between them. The contact of his mouth against her right breast, fills with her milk.

USSR bit the nipple and was surprised to feel this taste of sweet milk in his mouth . He lifted up his surprised head, and looked at France who was bent with laughter and had put her hand in his hair. He smiled and whispered in the hollow of her ear, which made her laugh even more. To this laughter was added rather quickly the tears of Russia , which had just awakened. Her mother got up to take her in her arms and gently cradled her while singing a lullaby:

À la claire fontaine/ By the clear fountain                                                                                                                M'en allant promener/I take a walk                                                                                                                           J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle/I found the water beautiful
Que je m'y suis baignée/That I swim in

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime jamais je ne t'oublierai/  For a long time that I love you never I will forget you

Sous les feuilles d'un chêne/ Under the leafs of an oak
Je me suis fait sécher/ I got dried up
Sur la plus haute branche/ On the highest branch
Un rossignol chantait /A nightingale sang

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime jamais je ne t'oublierai/For a long time that I love you never I will forget you

Chante, rossignol, chante/ Sing, nightingale, sing
Toi qui as le cœur gai /You who have a cheerful heart
Tu as le cœur à rire/Your heart can still laugh
Moi, je l'ai à pleurer/ Me , I have only to cry

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime jamais je ne t'oublierai/For a long time that I love you never I will forget you

J'ai perdu mon ami/ I lost my friend
Sans l'avoir mérité/ Whithout having deserved it
Pour un bouton de rose/ For a pink button
Que j'ai trop tôt donné... / Which I too soon gave...

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime jamais je ne t'oublierai/For a long time that I love you never I will forget you

Je voudrais que la rose/ I wished that the rose
Fût encore au rosier/Was still on the rose bush
Et que mon ami Pierre /And that my friend Pierre
Fût encore à m'aimer/Was still in love with me

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime jamais je ne t'oublierai/For a long time that I love you never I will forget you

On the bed, USSR was waiting, his desire isn't coming down . He observed the slightest gesture that France made, the slightest movement of her bare chest, as she cradled their daughter. By the end of the song, Russia had calmed down and returned to sleep in her mother's arms. Gently resting her in her little cradle, France laid a sweet kiss on the little girl's forehead. And joined the USSR on their bed. Murmured in his ear while touching his hard erect sex. Which she stroked through the garment, and with one hand she removed this barrier of fabrics.Caught the penis of  USSR, and began to grasp it with more force, accompanied by rapid movements of her hand. Sticking her body against her companion, she began to kiss his neck, enjoying every whimper of pleasure coming out of her lover's mouth. Close to the pleasure, USSR paid little attention to the increasing number of kisses on his neck and shoulder. But he moaned with pleasure at the moment , he felt the fangs of France biting in his shoulder. He enjoys . Taking her hand off, France took her gaze off the bite she had just given him, and looked at him with amusement.

With fear, the USSR looked at France, which was above him. Her eyes shone like two diamonds, while she licked her lips slightly opening her mouth, but what surprised him the most was the fangs of an immaculate white and whose only the dark red blood made stain. He would have wanted to ask her so much about it, but no sound came out of his mouth, he could not articulate a single word. Completely hypnotized by her eyes, he paid no attention to anything else, his eyelids closed, fatigue and sleep enveloping him in their veil. Leaving this nightmare scene, which could not be real.

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