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Walking down the stairs of the small hotel, UN was thinking about what he could say to the members of the security council. He still hesitated , between  confess everything to them and in this case that would perhaps provoke a new world war or France would be excluded from the council for obvious health reasons , and she was the only woman of this group . This made UN sigh, he was heading to the front desk, the employee told him where the telephone set was. Behind the small shrub, by luck there was no one next to it, but that didn't stop him from stressing.
The first country he calls was UK , feeling that it would be the only one to answered and that he will listen carefully.

"Hello? "
"Hum , hello , who is it?"
"It's me UN."
" Oh UN , do you have some news about France , America didn't stop to grumbles some words in his corner ."
"What did he grumbles about ?"
"Hum , ... He says that France didn't care about his greatness , after all he have done for her , helping her in the two world wars and he talks about the Marshall plan and the  ingratitude that he thinks perceive from France to himself. He complains that although she had chosen his side, she remains close to the USSR and therefore to communism . He is afraid of his lasting influence on France , he would not want another communist country to take care of . He wonders if we should leave France in case she is sick,  excluding her place in the security council but I remind him that we cannot exclude its members and therefore he cannot use the health pretext against her . That's about all he says."

"Oh I see . Are the other members of the Security Council present?"

"Yes, do you want me to give them a message?"

"Oof! Yes, I will, thank you . So here, France will come and explain why she had to leave during the meeting ."

"Okay, I'll tell them, will she come right away?"

"Late in the afternoon ."

"um, all right, well, I'll tell them, don't hang up."

UK put up the phone , he coughs to attract the attention of other countries present. And repeated the message of the UN, the reactions were not delayed, America stopped whining in his corner and turned his head towards his father, UK drew a smile. USSR remained impassive at the news, in facade only, inwardly he was worried for France.

At the end of the afternoon , France arrived at the councilroom , as soon as she had opened the door that everyone present turned their head in her direction . There were all silent, in the room was present: USSR , USA , China , UK and UN
- I am pregnant.
With this surprising announcement no one made any comment, still shocked and pacified in their place. France remained straight, a proud look, her gaze did not betray anything, no fear as she looked at them all, waiting for a violent reaction that could not be delayed.

- Who is the father? America asked coldly. France felt in the tone of his voice that he was still shocked and may even be disappointed with her actions . To his question she replied that it does not concern him to know the identity of the father .

A certain tension was felt in the room, America took a look at the USSR, to see his reaction, but the man remained marble infront of the revelation of France.

"You cannot sit here if you are pregnant,you already  had the exceptional honour of having a seat while you are a woman. But since you're pregnant, it might be more of a problem than anything else, so during the time of your maternity, you'll be excluded from the council. " Said America when he got up from his seat, it was convenient for him that France had become pregnant he could at last exclude her from the security council, he would even have preferred a simple human rather than this woman who often did it all she wanted and did not want to respect his decisions . It will teach her  to not keep things from him.

France did not reply, she knew that America had already been reluctant to get her into the security council, but to exclude her just because she was pregnant, he really went too far.

"You cannot exclude a member of the Security Council, America." The UN was quick to talk back, UN for the first time felt anger and disappointment towards America. The latter did not answer but the anger could be seen in his eyes, which made the USSR smile.

Not wanting to stay here any longer, France headed for the door and leave without saying another world.

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