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The song of the birds, awakened the USSR in a burst of the nightmare that pursued him throughout the night. His lover began by drinking his blood and then devoured his flesh little by little, until she plucked out his heart and swallowed it in her mouth full of fangs before his eyes while his life left him. But the worst was not that he was being devoured by France, no, he was afraid for their little girl, that she would end up devouring her too.

His head in his hands, he did not dare turn towards France, for fear that this nightmarish vision might be the reality and that she was lying to him since the beginning of their relationship.

Slowly, he put his hand against his shoulder and neck, checking for a bite mark. With relief he felt nothing, he had no injuries.

Against him, France began to move slightly, a sign that she would soon wake up. She turned around with her eyes wide open and laughed at the sight of the face of  USSR. This laughter echoed in the head of the USSR as he looked into the pretty mouth of France, in search of her long fangs . He saw nothing unusual. Stopping laughing, France went to the cradle of Russia and took her in his arms, waking her up slightly. They both came out of the room, leaving  the USSR thinking about his attitude, he felt stupid to have taken this nightmare for reality.

He put this on the back of fatigue.

As he got up from the bed, he noticed blood stains on the sheets. Lifting in a great motion his sheets, the bed was parcelled with traces of blood . Blood that did not date for so long . He turned over the cushions and there were also blood on them . It looked like a murder had taken place on the bed . Stress increased in the body of the USSR, only one thought crossed his mind in a loop.
"It wasn't a nightmare. What is she? Is she still a country?"
He had to ask now, for his and Russia safety .

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