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The snowflakes fell slightly on the edge of the window of the train, France observed them without really seeing them. Her gaze was lost in the landscape, she contemplated these immense white plains, so solitary and so pure. This innocent whiteness reminded her of the cotton sheets that had been wrapped around her newborns before she could take them in her arms. Surrounding them with her maternal protection. But she had failed again in her role as a mother.France no longer knew if she could still consider herself as a mother after all that had happened. How many of her children had she lost in their first years, from one day to the next they disappeared, and the last image she had of her poor children were their livid face marked by the kiss of death.

France had thus buried perhaps four or six of her young children or even more if we counted the many miscarriages she had during her first marriage. France had thus buried perhaps four or six of her young children or even more if we counted the many miscarriages she had during her first marriage. Her former husband had blamed her for the loss of almost all their children and had thus justified his adultery in order to be able, according to him, to have a surviving heir. It did not happen.

However, France had meanwhile asked her king,Philippe Le Bel, to be able to break her marriage in exchange for her eternal fidelity to the kingdom of France, to the lands of the king and to keep them an important place in the world in spite of passing centuries. Once her marriage certificate was broken, the only two children left to her had to live in separate courts, her son going with her and her daughter went to the court of the Holy Roman Empire.They were her only two children who had reached adulthood and were  followed a few centuries later by their younger sister New France or more commonly called at the time Sophie.

Unfortunately none of them were alive when the beginning of the 20th century comes. The first who had disappeared was Sophie during the seven-year war (1756-1763) followed decades later by her older brother Augustus who went missing shortly after the start of Napoleon's retreat from the Russian front and finally her daughter Guinevere who was brutally killed by her husband before the innocent eyes of their son.

France no longer wanted to think of her grandson, her heart was filled with remorse towards him. She could have prevented this terrible war from happening and takes him away. Why did she decide to listen to the United Kingdom and America at this crucial time. She regrets to not have  push her government more strongly to prepare and act as quickly as possible in the face of this imminent and devastating  war.

Maybe it was her fault if all of this had happened. All those atrocities.

No, she had done everything possible or at least everything she thought she could accomplish as a woman during the interwar period. Yes, she could not have saved him, it was already too late for him , even if this thought broke her heart.

On that day of the armistice she would have like it so much if everything had ended in a simple execution and all her heavy past would had simply been erased from her memory at least. But he wanted to know why she had not acted on that fateful day of 1886. The reminder of this date always had the effect of stabbing  her heart , this date was enough to show how she was powerlessness and couldn't  save her children despite all the efforts she had made at the time.It was never enough. No one gave her time to mourn those she had already lost, and that already another one of her children had been on their last breath.

France had found it extremely difficult to reveal to him all the reasons why she had not been able to do something. But despite what she was able to tell him, it was not enough to make up for her grandson's pain. In a fit of anger mixed with the grief of a never-ending mourning for his mother, he pulled out his pistol a P-08 luger. Pointing the barrel of his gun against his grandmother's forehead. His hands trembled as tears rolled down his cheeks, regaining his grip he held his P-08 sled tighter before asking in a breaking sobing voice:

"Why didn't you do anything to save my mother? Why did you abandon her to this monster? I want to know... ANSWER ME! She was your daughter but you did nothing! How can you still consider yourself as her mother?"

France was silent, she remember the radiant face of her dear daughter Guinevere as a child, playing with her little sister, this joyful face was replaced by the swollen one due to the river and the time spent in this crystalline water. The vision of her distorted and broken body had horrified France, who had been warned urgently by Alsace despite the orders of her new state to never contact France.

She had looked for her grandson everywhere but after vain research for several years she had to stop. The United Kingdom had constantly asked her to stop, that she would probably never find him. America had been more cruel in saying that it was just one kid and that she could have many more and that it was useless to provoke a new war in Europe for that.

She told him to meddle with his own onions and that he could not understand how she felt.

With pain, France had to get used to the idea that her grandson had also  succumb to the hits of his father and that he had not thrown him into the water but put the body elsewhere. France had then sworn in front of the tomb of her daughter that she would never forgive the German Empire for having killed them and that she would do everything to make him lose everything he possessed even if she had to set the Europe on fire again.

This promise she had done it, and despite the reluctance of her allies France makes suffered not only him but also his country and his new wife.Death had picked them both during a return to Germany after the signing of the peace treaties, their car had unfortunately exploded.She explained all this to her grandson before giving him one of the few portraits of her mother that still existed in this world.

Then the war ended with his death.

France had felt great pain in learning his death , because during those years of war she had learned to know him and how he had come to this point. They had both experienced great misfortune interspersed with brief moments of joy and true happiness. France had told him her youth, sparing no detail, he did the same, after 1918 he felt extremely free and had met his wife, who died during the crisis of 1929 , her death makes him depressed and inconsable. All he had left were their two children, who were false twins, whom he presented to France one afternoon.

The train arrived at the station and France tried to think about something else, because what good would it do to her to try to remember their cute little faces, they would never come back to life. This thought made her cry, and she did not find the strength to get off her train. But as she turned her head slightly towards the door of her wagon, a little girl with red hair braided , which fell slightly on her right shoulder, looked at her with her big olive green eyes. Surprise France looked at her without being able to say a word. The little girl turned her white toga slightly before starting to run out of the sight of France . The poor woman got up and went to her door. Looking down the hall she saw the little girl who said hello with her hand to her. France grabbed her suitcase, and began to chase after the little girl who looked like her late daughter Célanie. The mysterious child left the train and ran into the crowd. France had more and more trouble of following her, she pushed several people, who complained. Arriving outside the station the child was waiting, smiling.

France was breathless due to the race she just had. She looked in detail at the little girl who was not more than seven years old.  The girl threw herself into the arms of France and whispered at her ear:

« Salve, Mater »

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