Unsatisfactory answers

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The answers that France had provided, didn't satisfy  USSR who wanted to know more. Waiting in the kitchen, while is lover was taking care of their child. He remembered what she had revealed to him. About her family of which he now knows the father, the Roman Empire, how this could be possible, how it was possible that she was still alive, she revealed nothing to him about it. She had briefly satisfied  himwith the history of her country and the few changes she made. But there is so much more to clarify. She should have died several times.He now realized that she had manipulated him and she didn't answer his questions, which had to embarrass her or that she simply did not want to reveal all of her knowledge. Perhaps there was a danger hiding behind all these secrets and what if Russia was currently in danger. It's been five minutes since he heard nothing from their room. USSR rose hastily to quickly reach his room, the adrenaline was spreading in his veins. However, when he arrived at the door, he tried to turn the handle but nothing happened. The door was closed from the inside. The stress and fear increased in the young father's body. He feared that his little daughter would be in danger with her mother.

He began to beat the door with his fists, ordering France to open the door and leave Russia safe. But no noise was heard, not a single protest from France . Just silence .

The sweat flowed on his forehead while he tried in vain to break down the door. After several long minutes which seemed interminable to him, he fell on his knees he could not open this door no matter how he went about it.

USSR had the impression that a force from elsewhere prevented him from entering in his room where his daughter and his lover were. He could not give up, they were counting on him. It could not start again. Bits of memories and sensation returned to his head. The smell of death filled the room. Of which only a few heaps with shapely outlines stood out in the darkness. The cold of the day and the persistent smell of death that enveloped all its senses. But he had to come to his senses and act now in the present, he can no longer change the past.

Getting up, he tried to kick the door again. The door yielded to his incessant blows. The first thing he saw in the room was France sleeping leaning against the edge of Russia's cradle, her left breast was denude. A smell of incense had spread entirely in the room. He went to the cradle of his daughter. Leaned over and he could see with relief that she was sleeping deeply. With a paternal gesture he caressed her cheek and turned to France and gently lifted her up to put her on their bed .

Covering her breast then he stole a kiss from her before redirecting to the door and watching why she had not opened under his blows. Unfortunately he found nothing that could explain it. He turned to France, which slept deeply and went back to the cradle of their daughter. He noticed that she had a small crown of laurels in her hair.

And the smell of incense lingering in the room. He felt another presence in the room, he looked at every corner of the room but he saw no one. The contact of a cold hand on his shoulder made him jump and he turned suddenly to see who it could be . A man who was slightly taller than USSR, he wore a lorica segmentata°, studded sandals accompanied by shin guards, a sword on his belt, his face was hidden by a silver mask, and he wore a helmet. His black eyes looked at  USSR and detailed it up and down. The unknown murmured "We must discuss.".

°lorica segmentata : cuirass used in the Roman legion

I'm working on multiple texts, and I'm writting a book for the french Amazon contest, so I had to change my chapter scheduling , for the originals in french and the english version ,it will not change a lot but when I will have translate all the late chapters , it's possible that I would only publish once a week for this story , plus there will be a moment for multiples week with no chapters because I will be writting the chapters for the prequel and it would be in those chapters that some plot elements are revealed ( the two books are linked , and some key will be in the prequel and explained some of the stuff that happened but not all , still be some mystery.

A night In Paris ( Countryhumans)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt