Special chapter

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For this bonus chapter , I give you some characters development and clues of the story ( the bonus stories are in my one-shot book) .

So in this book, the humanized countries do not necessarily represent the peoples, but possess their own identity with thoughts, reflexion and feelings. No one knows where they come from and even them do not know, many do not try to understand, but rather take advantage of the time allowed to them because they still can die. Even if they do not represent the people they have ties with them, and they remain at the mercy of external and internal events that can weaken them or change them or in the worst case kill the country(in case of war, for example, but they may also be prisoners of another power, and didn't disappear due to their own strength).

Now some notes about the characters:

France hides a lot of information to other countries, the only one she confides her secrets is her sister Greece . Both play a role in front of other countries, no one knows what their goal is. France can be a sweet mother, a caring and sexy woman but she can also  be a monster thirsting for some blood and human or animal flesh . Revenge flows in her blood, she never forgets the harm done to her. And always find a way to take revenge.She's not anymore the person she pretends to be.But she is not the only one in this case, which would explain why she can give birth without dying and ensure the survival of the majority of her children. She has several projects in mind and loves her children more than anything but can be cruel to those who reject her (ex-colonies), she is manipulative. She had many lovers and a mistress (even when she was married to UK). Her current lover is the USSR.
 USSR was sweet with his lover and their  daughter. Cruel and cold with his adversaries. Almost went to the gulag, but he took refuge in time with at his lover home during the two months when Stalin had only this idea in mind. He made many round trips between the USSR and France.
A character whose cruelty and cold blood have not yet been shown, he is not afraid of anything. But there are existential questions in his head. He tries to remember his past, which is embodied by the Russian Empire.

Russian Empire, there are few elements still available on his situation . He is currently a shadow among many others , which manifests through a mirror. Hardly anyone can see him. He represents a bygone past. He has not yet revealed all his secrets. But he is always present in the  shadows, he wanders and looks at what is happening in the present time, he cannot get away from the USSR.

Greece, is like France, an actress. She loves teasing UN, with any kind of sexual implication. She considers America as a young idiot. In her country, there is still persistent revolutionary unrest. It's a civil war. But she often travels to see her sister and spend some of her money (which she receives in various ways) on more or less useless business. She looks after her niece as if she was her daughter, she tells her stories and they play together.

UN, he represents his organization, and he tries his best to maintain peace. He is totally innocent and is the victim of the sexual jokes of Greece. He can be firm but the powerful ignore him. He tries to support a maximum of relations between countries to avoid new conflicts.

UK is still madly in love with France. He seems weakened by World War II. He will recover. He is an opportunist. He knows what France is, he doesn't tell anyone because no one would believe him. Moreover, he has nothing to gain and he does not want to lose his relationship with France. He is devastated by their divorce and would like to have her back with him. He is indifferent to the various children, he had or adopted, the only one he likes and really cares about is Canada because he had it with France. Finally, he is afraid of nothing and despises almost everyone.

America or the United States, is a superpower. He is traumatized by the death of the confederate states. He is attracted to Canada, but does not want to act. Thus, he is sexually frustrated and risks giving in to his impulses in one day. He hates communism. And he's paranoid about whether there are communists or not in his territory. He wanted everything to be his and controlled, even  people, and he hated that someone would challenge him or prove him that he is wrong and then show contempt to him, which reminded him of his youth. He wants Europe to become entirely under his influence, he uses his soft-power.Finally, he did not want a woman in important positions, and hates the idea that France as a woman could have a place on the UN Security Council and especially that she could speak, and that she could not embarrass him and  humiliate him publicly. He is thus sexist and misogynist .

Canada, he often lives with his father. And he completely ignores his half-brother's attraction to him. Canada followed his father's advice and orders, as did the rest of his brothers and sisters (the rest of the colonies). He's disappointed in America's reaction to his mother.Finally, Canada loves his new little sister and he gives her stuffed animals and toys when he visits her. During one of these visits he falls under the spell of one of the subordinate countries of the USSR, who had come to bring news and she was curious to see little Russia . ( Chapter not yet available , it will be published in my book Countryhumans short stories , chapter entitled Encounter).

Political parties exist as individuals and serve as representatives. They have influence with the government and the people, and serve as frameworks or spokespeople for an idea, or a speech. They can influence the fate of a country. At the moment, only the PCF and the SFIO have intervened in the book.

The humans present know and live with them, they call it allegories of their country . The presidents and head of government, can follow the advice of their country and political parties ,but they remain the last decision-makers who play the destiny of their country and their population.
There are several taboos and predefined rules between humans and these allegories, there should be no sexual intercourse between the two ( but this has already been broken by several countries , you can speculate on which), social rules are then created ...

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