Chapter 1: Entrance Exams part 1

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A helicopter is seen landing in the field near the entrance to a tall, futuristic structure. Across the top of this building is a banner that was welcoming new students to the academy. Hundreds of kids were heading inside to take seats but out of the copter came a pale girl with short bob cut brown hair, green eyes and wore a blue hoodie over a white t-shirt, jeans, and matching blue boots. An older girl with brown hair and wearing a pilot's uniform leaned out holding a black bracelet of sorts. "Don't forget this, can't leave your partner behind" she said. The younger girl turned and quickly put it on. "Sorry, right, guess it's just first day nerves" she said. "Relax, I loved going here and I know you'll do great Anika, just be careful not to reveal your special skill" added the older girl.

The one now identified as Anika smiled a bit. "Yeah... Th-thanks sis, and I have our friend to help so it'll be like you're here with me" she said. Her sister grinned and both waved bye to each other before the helicopter took off. Anika gulped nervously and looked at the bracelet she wore. "Well, at least I have you to help, here we go" she said. She quickly ran inside and grabbed a seat. "Hey, excuse me" a male voice said making Anika look over confused. She came face to face with a red haired male that wore a black and white ninja uniform and a black bracelet on his wrist.

"You're new here aren't you?" Asked the male. "Um...y-yeah, why do you ask?" Responded Anika. "Just wanted to know if I can sit with you, you seem nice, I'm Aaron" he said. Anika was stunned, making a friend on the very first day was something she never experienced before pretty much her entire life. She nodded a bit letting Aaron sit by here. "I'm a second year so I can tell the newbies from the experienced, what's your name?" He asked. Anika looked at him still nervous before saying "it's... Anika.... Anika knight" she said. "Wait Bri's little sister, oh my god it's a honor" added Aaron.

Anika raised an eyebrow. "You know my sister?" She asked. "Who doesn't, she was one of the top students in this school, and her partner helped her a lot, though odd thing is she favored her second partner more" stated Aaron. Anika looked at her bracelet that Bri gave her. It lit up before the words "I think she saw us as better partners then her and me, that's why I'm with you" appeared in green letters. Aaron was shocked a bit. "That means it's... Oh my god you might get picked for the entrance exam" added Aaron. Anika freaked and covered her face.

"I don't want to be the stand out...." She said. Aaron heard and looked at her. "So you know how it works" he said. Anika nodded uncovering her face and sighing. "Once the head teachers are introduced each one picks one student at random who wants to specialize in that area of YouTube by a roulette of sorts, if your bracelet lights up that means you're the one who has to fight that particular head teacher" she explained. Aaron nodded "exactly, I ended up fighting the one in charge of the vlogger section" he added. Anika whimpered a bit looking around. Aaron assured her it's ok as the lights dimmed.

The orientation started and after announcements and the welcome the head teachers started being introduced. Gar was the one for gamers, followed by Alex and Lauren for DIY, Nikita for beauty, Rosanna for baking, and Tyler for vlogging. "Now, unfortunately our last science and knowledge head teacher has left the academy and went on to do his own thing, but we got a new one who has stepped in". When Ronnie was introduced Anika's alert went off making her freak out and cover the bracelet screen. She looked at it privately so no one noticed. " Ronnie?! He's supposed to be dead, Stephanie and I found his body, he killed himself, how the hell is he here?! " the green words said. Anika looked around before she whispered "if that's the case then there's a mystery here, calm down we'll investigate later". It went black making her sigh in relief.

The teachers stood in front and soon started the roulette with all the first years. Anika begged for hers not to be picked. However the moment she saw the green light on hers she gulped. " will the chosen students please come down and face the teacher that picked you " the announcer said. Anika came down with the others and stood across from Ronnie, she was nervous still and squeaked a bit. "Every first year is scared, what's your name?" Asked Ronnie. "A-an-Anika... K-knight... S-sir" stuttered Anika. "I wasn't here when your sister was going here, but something is giving me an odd feeling of familiarity, are you ready?" He asked.

"No" responded Anika immediately. She didn't have much of a choice though as these walls suddenly formed around everyone on the field. She looked at her bracelet and saw the words "I've got your back, don't worry" appear in green letters. Anika nodded and stood ready. "Let's begin" added Ronnie.

(And to be continued! Just wanted to crank out other stories as well but here we are. Like I said, it's still a working title so if there's changes then I'll oblige accordingly. But anyways hope you enjoy the first part to this story.

P.S. photos may be added last after doing a few chapters so my apologies).

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