Chapter 15.5: Angels and Ninjas don't mix, or do they?

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(To connect to sick day this is the origin to how Ilene and Meghan became partners. Ilene in reality is telling the story to Joey, Daniel and the others as they are taking care of him).

Ilene was busy training at the dojo she and Aaron stay at. They had the same sensei growing up and soared above the other students in classes. Unfortunately when the duo developed their abilities jealousy ensued and now they live on their own. She sighed stopping what she was doing. "Aaron really has been hanging with that academy crew a lot lately, but hiding our abilities as well". Ilene heard someone and looked seeing Aaron come back. " you're back, wait you're hurt " added Ilene. She helped Aaron out and got him to sit down.

Aaron looked at Ilene. "Thanks partner, last fight was too nasty" he said. "The academy group" asked Ilene. Aaron nodded a bit and shrugged. "I'm jealous, you have such a group and I'm just... Left behind" added Ilene. Aaron looked at her feeling horrible. "I'm so sorry..." Added Aaron. Ilene looked away and sighed.

Aaron felt bad and looked at the wristband he wore. He saw it light up and the words *"let her join "* appeared on it a moment. Aaron nodded a bit realizing his partner had a point. "You're right, I shouldn't have left you out, you're my partner, we're jade and sapphire, but I didn't include you" he said. Ilene was stunned and faced him. "Wait... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She asked. "Ilene, maybe... You want to be introduced and join?" Asked Aaron. Ilene was wide eyed and nodded quickly.

Aaron smiled and let her get ready before leading her to their car. They got in and took off before reaching the academy. "Here we are" added Aaron as they both got out. "Wait... A youtuber academy?" Asked Ilene stunned. "It was made so the legends of the platform can train students in their area of experience, but that's not where we're going first" responded Aaron. He led a confused Ilene into this underground HQ and took her to the main center. "Professor Dragun I want my partner in on this" he said. "Wait Dragun, as in-?" Started Ilene before she gasped seeing Nikita.

"Yes Nikita Dragun at your service, I'm guessing you're Ilene his ninja partner in crime" responded Nikita. Ilene politely bowed greeting her in Japanese and confirming that she was correct. "Well Aaron here is part of a group of secret defenders, there's a growing evil that we just barely started getting word about and it's already targeted some people I know of" added Nikita. "We're playing the part to fight back and destroy it but we all need a partner YouTuber for it" added Aaron. Ilene was shocked a bit and nodded. "Let me join, Aaron and I are unstoppable together" she said. Aaron and Nikita looked at each other before Nikita nodded a bit. "You'll need a partner, though we may have someone you can try" she said.

"Rainbow Dawson game over" added Aaron. Ilene gasped seeing Shane Dawson appear. "My friend Meghan has a persona she's not used to, maybe you can help her" added Shane. Ilene was thinking and nodded. "I'll take a trial run with her" added Ilene. They brought Meghan in who looked around. "Meghan, meet Ilene, we're going to temporarily partner you up with her so we can see if you two can work together" added Shane. "Hi nice to meet you" Meghan said grinning brightly.

Fast forward a bit: During some missions Ilene discovered she and Raziel, the angel of mystery, weren't getting along. "God I'm sick of your hotheadedness!" Yelled Ilene. "Me, you go too slow!" Snapped Raziel. The duo were butting heads and it worried the others. Shane went to talk to Meghan that evening while Nikita spoke with Ilene. "So... What could be the issue?" Asked Shane. "I don't do ninja style!" Added Meghan. "We're complete opposites when I'm Raziel, but yet I get along with her as myself" she said.

Nikita looked at Ilene. "Your trial is almost up, but it's looking like you and Meghan can't find common ground" she said. "It's weird, I can when she's herself but yet I get annoyed at Raziel" added Ilene. Nikita sighed a bit. "I think this is calling for bigger measures, Raziel comes from the realm where she's had to watch so many of her angel friends disappear or fall, but what really hurt her was when her closest ally a sentry named Gadreel was forced out against his will" explained Nikita. Ilene gasped in shock on it. "I didn't realize..." She said. Nikita gently pat her back and nodded.

"Go talk to her" added Nikita. Ilene nodded and walked out. She found Meghan and the duo started talking. Ilene summoned Raziel so they could mend bonds and the duo hugged when they finished. "Let's try again?" Asked Raziel. "I'm with you" added Ilene. Nikita nodded to Aaron and Shane. "She'll be perfect to help out" added Nikita.

(AN: all right that finishes story two of the origins.

Now there's still four left coming up. Don't worry, I'll tie to Aaron's next since obviously he was partnered up in this one.

Anyway hope you enjoy. Doing my best to jump back on every story when I can).

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