Chapter 13: Cryptic Code

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In the classroom of the vloggers Tyler was at his desk currently groaning. "Come on why won't you work?!" He said. He brought his teacher assistant to help. "Let me see" added the TA fixing her blonde hair. "This doesn't look right... You better check with the other teachers" added the TA. Tyler nodded and messaged the other head teachers and TAs. Gar, Alex, Lauren, Rosanna, Ronnie and Nikita confirmed similar problems. "We better talk" added Tyler.

The teachers got together in the lounge with one of the computers and set it up. "Here... What's that link?" Asked Alex looking at an odd coding. "Hang on let me look" added Ronnie. He stepped in and hacked the system to access it noticing the results. "It's a Shadowsteel code" he said. Nikita was stunned on it. She looked closer and then looked around the room. "That's not good" added Gar.

"Someone's gotten in our system, Ronnie can you work on locating a source?" Asked Tyler. "I'll try but I'll have to get help from my ta and a couple friends" added Ronnie. "The rest of us will start a search' added Alex. Rosanna reported it to principal Minx who put the school on lockdown for safety. Team digimax was looking around while in their dorm. " lockdown, Shadowsteel, what? " asked Preston. Manny peeked out and saw one of the TA's going by. "Hey Stephanie right?" He asked.

Stephanie stopped and looked at him. "Yeah you're Manny" added Stephanie. " What's happening Steph?" Asked Mat from inside. "A Shadowsteel code has gotten in the computer system and I'll be helping track it to the source" she said. "The rest of the teachers and their TAs will be conducting a search in case anyone's on campus that's part of the team" she added. "But it's been ordered that everyone stays in their dorms until lockdown is over, now I got to go" she finished before leaving. Manny closed the door and looked at the others. The rest of the team was worried.

"Can we do something from in here?" Asked Meghan. Alexia chuckled and got her computer out. "My girlfriend and I have a lot of computer experience, but we've never hacked before" she said. "I'm guessing that's where Antisepticeye can come in?" Asked Ilene. "Yep exactly" added Alexia. "This is one of the only times you'll hear me say this, please let anti take control" responded Jack. The others laughed. "I wish patrck was here... But I don't know where he is" added JP.

Alexia looked up and nodded. "Antisepticeye game start" she said before Jack turned into Anti. He dove into the computer to help. "Whoa" everyone said when they saw Alexia and anti get the stuff open. "That's Shadowsteel code all right" added Joey. The group took a closer look while anti came out of the computer and smirked. "Looks like a Trojan in getting information for this place" added Aaron. The group was thinking.

Meanwhile the head teachers and their TAs minus Ronnie and Stephanie were searching the campus. They were tracking everywhere to find out a source. In the dorm the digimax crew got some results. "There, it's the source" added Alexia. The others looked at it. "That's the training arena" added Aaron. Everyone was stunned on it. "Oh my god they're walking into a trap" added Matpat.

"But we can't leave, what do we do" added Nathan. The group was thinking until Antisepticeye laughed and glitched. "l̰̃ḛ̃ã̰ṽ̰ḛ̃ ḭ̃t̰̃ t̰̃õ̰ m̰̃ḛ̃" he said. He broke in and sent a message to the teachers. Nikita nodded a bit. "The battle arena" she said to the others. "But it's a trap, so let's stay aware". The others nodded and followed her.

"How did your team find out?" Asked Mark. "Someone in my team must be a computer expert, I'll thank him or her later" added Nikita. They entered the arena before the door locked behind them. "You better be right on the defense" added Rosanna scared. The group gasped noticing smoke filling an area nearby and the battlefield suddenly lit up. The digimax team got in the arena cameras. "Oh no everyone's stuck in their except Ronnie and Stephanie because they're working outside the place" added Meghan. The group gulped a bit.

"Get ready... It's up to us" added Nikita.

(AN: finally done with the next part. I'm just jumping between everywhere and it's hard to keep on track.

For that I'm so sorry. But here we are.

Hope you enjoy).

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