Chapter 15: Sick day and Daniel's decision

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After a little visit and meeting with JC again Safiya and Nikita had gotten back to work. Next morning Ilene woke up hearing someone coughing. She looked around before noticing Joey on the floor. "Oh my god" she said quickly getting up. She woke up Meghan and the duo got Joey to be checked. "Any sign of Daniel?" Asked Ilene. "No... And the source is hiding again" added Meghan. Shadowwraith noticed her bracelet lit up while she sat in the base of Shadowsteel.

*"please... Let me do this... Just this once.. I'm begging you "* the words said. Shadowwraith was crying. "We can't... He's got too strong of a hold on us" she said. *"then let us be an individual fighter... Please... Just let me be free... Joey's sick "* the words said. Shadowsteel froze a bit reading that before she and her partner snapped back to being under king pewds control. " fine... We break " she whispered. She left the room and went on duty. The others in the Shadowsteel base moved on.

Back at the academy Ilene and Meghan got Joey in bed. "Why did it have to be the exact same sickness again?" Asked Joey crying. "Joey I think it's due to the stress of trying to get Daniel back" added Meghan. "I just want him here..." Added Joey sadly. "Don't talk, just try to get better" added Ilene. The duo and the rest of the team helped out. Anika though stepped away and sat down before breaking into tears. Mat and Manny came over and comforted her.

"What good are we if we can't get Daniel?" Whimpered Anika. "Don't say that" added Mat. "Yeah we had so many successes, we will get Daniel eventually" added Manny. "When huh?!". " answer me that! " snapped Anika before she stormed out and left the academy to spend time with her sister. Mat and Manny looked at each other knowing that this one loss is tearing everyone down. They went to speak with Nikita on it. "Joey's sick, but the lack of unable to save Daniel is getting to everyone, Anika's broken, Joey's distraught, everyone else is having too many feelings" added Mat. "Can anything be done?" Asked Manny.

Nikita and safiya looked at each other. "Without knowing where to find Daniel we have only a couple options". " Daniel does something himself, or wait for shadowwraith to show up" added Nikita. Mat and Manny look down but nodded. Everyone was helping out in taking care of Joey. Mat and Manny rejoined the others and they were confused. "We talked to Nikita, but there's no way Daniel can get here unless he does something himself or shadowwraith shows up" added Manny quietly. The group felt bad and Preston looked at Joey.

Back in the Shadowsteel base Shadowwraith gasped seeing her wristband glow. Diablo appeared instantly panting. "What are you doing I didn't summon you!" Added shadow wraith. "ċȗṭ ṭһє ċяѧƿ, ı'ṃ ṅȏṭ ṡṭѧʏıṅɢ һєяє, ƿʟєѧṡє ʟєṭ ṃє ɢȏ" he said. Shadow wraith was confused on this. "What's going on with you, you know king pewds won't do that?" She said. She then gasped noticing diablo was not even under control as he ripped the collar off his neck. "ʏȏȗ ѧʟʟ һѧṿє ҡєƿṭ ṃє ṡєƿѧяѧṭєԀ ғяȏṃ ṃʏ ɞȏʏғяıєṅԀ ʟȏṅɢ єṅȏȗɢһ, ı'ṃ Ԁȏṅє" added diablo.

Shadowwraith winced holding her head and looked at him. "ı'ʟʟ ṡṭѧʏ ʏȏȗя ƿѧяṭṅєя ɞȗṭ jȏєʏ ѧṅԀ яѧєғ ṅєєԀ ṃє ѧṅԀ Ԁѧṅıєʟ". Shadowwraith removed her mask because it was getting stained with her tears. " king pewds needs to be defeated for total freedom, I can't escape, but go... You don't have them controlling you and I believe in love " she said. "ı'ʟʟ ɞє ɞѧċҡ ṭȏ һєʟƿ ʏȏȗ, ɞȗṭ ı ċѧṅ'ṭ ṡṭѧʏ һєяє ѧṅʏṃȏяє" added diablo before the duo hugged each other and he then left after leaving a necklace for shadowwraith to wear. He took off right to the academy and switched to Daniel running to the door. "Let me in my boyfriend's here" he said crying. "Oh my god, let him in" stated Safiya.

They did just that and safiya and Nikita hugged him. "How the hell did you get here?" Asked Nikita. "I broke free and ran away from Shadowsteel but I promised I'd go back as well, not as their servant but strictly as partner to one of the members" admitted Daniel. "Wait... You're shadowwraith's aren't you?" Asked Nikita. "Yeah, she was able to break free from pewds control enough to say she can't be totally free until he's defeated and to say I can go and come as I please since they don't control me" responded Daniel. The duo was stunned but then pointed to where Joey has been staying. He nodded and took off there before knocking on the door. Manny gasped opening it and the duo hugged each other.

"Joey's in bed but crying for you" added Manny. Daniel nodded and went right to the bed. He laid by Joey and wrapped his arms around him. Joey gasped feeling the familiar warmth and opened his eyes. "D-Daniel..." He started quietly. "Shhh... Don't try to speak, especially with what this sickness does, but yes it's me, I got out for you" responded Daniel. Team digimax was stunned and Nikita and safiya brought them up to speed. "So... He could be our spy" whispered JP.

The following day everyone was awake and Daniel sat by Joey. "Shadowwraith and I were both hostages, but I couldn't take it anymore, I sensed Joey's pain so diablo and I broke free, but then our partner let us go". "King pewds has a strong hold on her so she can only talk sense for limited time" explained Daniel. "That's like what happened to me" added JP stunned. "Wait I remember, raef and diablo have one of the strongest bonds that they can even sense each other in danger, it's like a mental link with Joey and Daniel" added Nathan. Joey was leaning on Daniel but nodded at Nathan. The others were stunned. "So in result now you can be here but also go back since you want to stay partners with her" added Anika.

Daniel nodded a bit. "I'm doing that more for getting her rescued" he said. "Maybe... You can pick up from where I left off" asked Joey quietly. "What do you mean?" Asked Daniel. "Joey's job before Shadowsteel tried getting Raef in their ranks was as infiltrator and spy for our team, until you took him down" responded Nikita. Daniel gasped looking at Joey before apologizing and hugging him. "You're saying send me undercover" added Daniel. The group nodded.

"All right, I can, but for now I would rather stay here" added Daniel. The others nodded understanding. "I do owe a story to Joey" added Ilene. "Yeah how she and I became partners" added Meghan. "Maybe we all can just pass time for this" added Alexia grinning. Everyone nodded a bit.

(AN: and there we go. Finally done this part and decided to do a Daniel return and change things up a bit. Anyway hope you enjoy and the next origin story is after this).

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