Chapter 18.5: Witch or Stranger?

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(A/N: The origin story to how Nate and Preston met taking place in reality after they rescued Andrew).

Nathan was mainly running. He was being hunted by members of king pewds's team to take him hostage. He wouldn't allow it though so he hid quickly panting a bit. "Nate?" Asked a voice. Nathan gasped and looked only to see Mat right there. "Mat thank god!" Added Nathan before hugging him. "What's going on?" Asked Mat. Nathan sobbed and explained the problem.

Mat nodded standing up. "Stay close, want to help me?" He asked. Nathan nodded getting up. The duo went into battle as antimatter and Natemare. However Natemare shoved Antimatter away and fell through this portal that was created. Last thing he heard was Antimatter screaming his name before the portal closed. After falling for who knows how long Natemare screamed in pain landing on the ground hard. He sat up and looked around.

"ահҽɾҽ ɑʍ í?" He said. All he could see around him was that he was in some kind of forest. Standing up he switched to Nathan before he started walking. "Well I guess I better think like a dungeons and dragons player and find the nearest town" he said. He went to seek one out. On arrival to one he gulped realizing he wasn't dressed the right attire for this. "Crap, I better do that quickly" he said before hiding somewhere and switching to Paultin. "Much better" added Paultin.

He summoned a D-20 die. "Now let's see how strong of an effect my deception will have" added Paultin. He rolled it getting a 16. "Damn it.. Still decent so hopefully it's enough" he said. He made it vanish before walking to the entrance. He spun a story that he wandered away from his travel party and he's trying to get back to them but needs to restock supplies and rest for the night. One of the guards studied him before asking if he was experienced enough to put on a show. "Well I am a bard of the vistani gypsies, so I know how to really give a show" added Paultin.

They let him in and said if he can do a show then he'll get everything for free. "Thank you, I'll make sure to make it a grand time" added Paultin. He went to an inn and got settled before performing that evening. However, one villager did a false accusation and soon Paultin was thrown into jail when it looked like his performance was causing witchcraft. Nathan took back control and sighed. "Well that didn't go as planned" he said. The following morning Preston is seen coming down to the jail cells. He was having visions of a mysterious male and his mentor told him to follow his instinct.

He noticed Nathan in one cell. "He matches the man in my visions" added Preston. He gently knocked on the bars and Nathan groaned waking up. He noticed Preston and scoffed a bit. "They sending children to belittle and hurt me now?" He asked annoyed. Preston was shocked seeing bruises on Nathan. "I am so sorry, my town is too afraid of anything that's not normal, I just wish they could accept it" he said. Nathan was stunned hearing him say that.

"I'm Preston, I'm an apprentice training to learn magic in secret, who are you?" He asked. "Nathan, I'm not from this world to be honest, and I'm a musician" he said. Preston was confused a bit. "Your attire, everything is definitely not from here, how did you end up here anyway" asked Preston. "Fell through some stupid..." Stated Nathan. "Portal in the sky?" asked Preston. Nathan was shocked and looked at him. Preston nodded understanding the issue. "I know why you got arrested, the town got paranoid seeing the thing in the sky and you were the only stranger to mysteriously show up" he explained.

Nathan groaned laying down again. "Oh great, arrested because of a stupid assumption" he said annoyed. "I don't know how long they'll have you here but hold on I'll work on figuring a way to get you out" assured Preston. Nathan nodded a bit in response. Preston then came every day to visit while also trying to solve a way out. However on one day while Preston and Nathan were talking they heard a noise. "That's a portal again but a slightly different sound" added Preston. "It's got to be my best friend Matthew... I have a gut feeling for it" added Nathan.

He and Preston had grown close every day they talked. Preston nodded a bit. "I'll sneak them in here to get you, and I want to come to your world" added Preston. "Ask them yourself later" added Nathan. Preston nodded and ran out. Nathan sighed in relief. "I'll finally be free" he said. The group soon was arrested making Nathan frown. However when he heard mat he gasped. "Mat?" He said.

(AN: and next origin done. Sorry it's not as detailed but it was before he and Preston fully became partners hence why it ended with the echo to the chapter "The siren and the wizard". Anyway hope you enjoy and yes little by little I've finally been adding pictures to have some representation to each chapter).

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