Chapter 10: Old friends united front

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It's currently a weekend so no classes, but mat and Nate came to Anika and Preston. "Can we please spend the day together?" Asked Mat. "I want to catch up" added Nathan. Preston and Anika looked at each other before grinning and saying yes. The duo smiled and left after thanking them. They grinned looking at each other. "I'm so glad you're back" added mat. Nathan smiled saying "I am too".

The duo walked exploring the campus. "Mat what happened while I was gone?" Asked Nathan. Mat exhaled a bit looking aside. "Ok a lot, starting with my original partner and I going into this failure depression because we couldn't save you" added Mat. "Ok stop, that was my fault going through the portal because I was saving you" added Nathan. The duo looked at each other. "I guess you're right, but the twist my current partner is actually my old partner's younger sister" added Mat. Nathan was wide eyed and stopped walking.

"Hold on, miss stuttery and self conscious is the sister?" Asked Nathan. Mat nodded saying "yeah but she's only stuttery and self conscious because she doesn't feel as confident to be like her sister so I'm helping her" stated mat. Nathan smiled a bit. "That's good, I can see she was slowly breaking out of her shell when you all came to rescue me". The duo laughed as they walked. "Want to check the city out?" Asked Mat. Nathan nodded in agreement. They left the campus and went into the city.

Nathan and Mat looked around. "Feels better being back in the environment I'm used to, being in that medieval world was so awkward" added Nathan. "And I bet you didn't know how to adapt" added Mat. Nathan groaned hearing that meaning he agreed. The duo got some drinks and sat down at a table in this cafe. "Ugh, I hated it, I'm used to going into medieval worlds in dungeons and dragons games, not be stuck for real" added Nathan. "Preston was the only good thing" he added. Mat nodded a bit.

The duo sipped and chatted with each other. In a nearby club a minion with Shadowsteel was talking to someone. "Caleb hell you know why you're here" he said. This evil version of YouTuber Caleb hyles looked at the minion. "I do.... And all for king pewds" he said. "Good.. You better keep that in mind" stated the minion before leaving. Caleb hell looked around the place. "Sucks that my friends couldn't join me" he muttered before heading somewhere.

"Actually a lot of others had reached out to try and find you" added Mat. "Please tell me two were Shawn and Amalee" begged Nathan. Mat nodded meaning Nathan was correct. "Oh thank god... At least there's still them even though Andrew is still brainwashed" stated Nathan. "If we could rescue you we'll eventually free him" added Mat. Nathan sighed and nodded a bit hugging Mat. "Thanks Mat, though I was overhearing that you're uneasy on something" added Nathan. Mat gulped knowing what he meant.

"What's the problem?" Asked Nathan. Mat sighed looking down. "Remember when Stephanie told you I wasn't in the best state of mind to hang out that one summer?" Asked Mat. "Yeah because Ronnie passed away due to suicide I remember" added Nathan. "I don't know how but he's in the academy, he's the head teacher in the knowledge and theory side of YouTube" added Mat. Nathan coughed nearly spitting out his drink hearing that. "You're joking right?!" He said. Mat shook his head.

"What the fuck!" Added Nathan. Mat helped him calm down. "Believe me I am secretly trying to find that answer" he said. Nathan looked at him stunned. "Jeez I missed a lot" he said. "I can take you back to see" offered Mat. Nathan looked at him standing up suddenly distracted by something. He nudged Mat a bit saying "look there".

Mat turned and noticed the nearby club emitting an odd glow of a familiar color. " Shadowsteel, I better tell Nikita " added Mat. He contacted her and said what he and Nate are seeing. *"I'm sending Anika and Preston to you two, hold on "* responded Nikita before hanging up. She called Anika and Preston down and the duo were sent out before they joined Nate and mat. "Let's sneak in through the back" added Anika. They went to the back of the building and Preston stepped forward. "Let me" he said before he cast a spell and created an opening that they went through.

The foursome looked and Nathan gasped quietly. "Caleb, I know him from musician circles, looks like we better get him out" added Nathan to the other three. They nodded before all four approached. "Well you're finally back nightmare" stated Caleb hell before he knocked the group to the ground and faced them. "No thanks to you guys" added Nathan standing up. "Yeah I heard Murderpony messed up, trust me I gave him a good lecture but why don't you just join us, it's disappointing to go alone" he said smirking. "He'd never join your ranks, or rather he would never join king pewds" added Mat.

Nathan shrugged a bit. "Sorry bud, but when you're not thinking straight, I can't accept" he added. Caleb hell tsked a bit on hearing that. "How disappointing, I guess I'll just have to destroy you". " I never fought in your style before " added Preston scared. "I'm s-scared too, but i-I'll teach you...I guess" added Anika. "New challenger..." She said causing mat to disappear in green light. Preston and Nathan were stunned but Nate nodded to Preston.

"N-new challenger" added Preston before Nate disappeared in a purple light. Anika nodded a bit saying, "sorry but my theory says that we're kicking your ass, matpatman game start" added Anika before summoning the persona. Preston nodded a bit ready to go. "Can you beat the siren of darkness, natemare game start" added Preston before Natemare appeared. "օƘ í'ʍ յҽɑӀօմՏ Տíղϲҽ í'ʍ մՏҽժ Եօ վօմ ɑՏ ʍɑժԹɑԵ" stated natemare to matpatman.

Matpatman laughed a bit. "Sorry, but let's do it" he said. "Let's get Caleb broken free" stated Preston. "Attack boys!" Added Anika. The duo went into action and started fighting Caleb hell. "I'll offer again, how about siding with a fellow musician natemare" stated Caleb hell. "ղօԵ íղԵҽɾҽՏԵҽժ, í'ӀӀ յօíղ վօմ íƒ վօմ աҽɾҽղ'Ե ҍɾɑíղաɑՏհҽժ" stated natemare before blasting him. "Why's he desperate to recruit you?" Asked matpatman.

Natemare looked around the area. "ցօօժ զմҽՏԵíօղ, ɑղվ íժҽɑՏ" he said. Anika and Preston were thinking over it. "Um... Does he have some friends normally that he's never seen without?" Asked Preston. "աɑíԵ վҽɑհ, հҽ'Տ ԹɑɾԵ օƒ a ցɾօմԹ ϲօղՏíՏԵíղց օƒ ժɑցօɾҽ, ժɑɾƘօ, ϲցҽɾɾօɾ, ɾվɑղ ɑղժ ҍɑՀ.ҽ×ҽ ɑղժ ҍɑժҍօաՏƘí, ղօղҽ ɑɾҽ հҽɾҽ" added natemare. "He must be trying to recruit you because king pewds only got him but not the others" added Anika. "You don't want to be the only musician dark tuber here do you?" Asked matpatman. Caleb hell wasn't moving a moment.

"íՏ ԵհɑԵ ահվ վօմ'ɾҽ Եɾվíղց Եօ ցҽԵ ʍҽ Տօ ҍɑժӀվ, ҍҽϲɑմՏҽ վօմɾ ղօɾʍɑӀ ϲɾҽա íՏղ'Ե աíԵհ վօմ" asked natemare. He clenched his fists. "Why did he take me alone, why didn't he just grab all of us?" He muttered. Anika was wide eyed a bit. "It's the same as tana, both carry a hidden anger, I think I know what's driving king pewds" she said. The duo noticed both mat and Nate got an ability. "Caleb we get you're angry, let us help you, king pewds only made you a servant but you're not that" added matpatman. Caleb hell looked at them glaring.

"աҽ'ӀӀ ƒíղժ Եհҽ օԵհҽɾՏ, ԵհɑԵ ϲօղѵíղϲҽ վօմ?" Asked natemare. Caleb hell stopped and looked like he felt better. "Perfect, now let's get this done" added matpatman. "Magician's light, purify" stated Anika. "Song of time, purify" added Preston. The duo combined powers and freed Caleb from king pewds grasp. "We'll take him to the medical wing on campus" added Preston. "You two enjoy y-yourselves" added Anika before the duo restored Nate and mat to normal and left with Caleb.

"Well that was fun" added Mat. "I think I'll enjoy this" added Nathan. The duo grinned and took off quickly.

(AN: and the next part done.

Nate and mat needed to catch up so thought this would be cute.

Anyway hope you enjoy as this will be one of my longest works I'm working on so it'll be a bit).

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