XLVIII. Jealous Husband

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Vivian's POV:

I glanced at Lisa, who was feeding Marisa.

My eyes narrowed as Marisa giggled.

Lisa noticed my looks, "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, I do know Lisa."

I smiled, "Nothing."

The conversation between Liam and I was rudely interrupted by Mila, who was desperate for a late dinner. She practically crawled into the room and begged me to boil and pour hot water in her cup ramen. Mila keeps a cup of ramen inside her bag - for an emergency.

Something about a zombie apocalypse  or alien invasion.

By the time we drove back to the house together, it was much too awkward to discuss the topic with Liam. There was also the fact that we were both yawning the whole way.

Morning rolled around, the doors opened, revealing Matt and Amoli. After their single night together, everything was still the same except for their nauseating flirtatious exchange which seemed to die down by the hour. I'm too tired from work and the relationship between Lisa and Liam to even spark any interest between the duo in front of me.

"Allow me," Lisa quickly stood up and grabbed the pan from Amoli. Amoli gave me a look which I returned with a shrug. "Sit. Sit." She pushed Amoli to sit beside Matt.

Lisa tied up her hair and began cooking breakfast. After some time, Jack and Mauricio entered the room. Jack raised a brow, "Hey, aren't you suppose to do maid's stuff?" He asked Amoli.

"Yeah. All because you're sleeping with one of us, doesn't exempt you from your maid duties." Mauricio and Jack been tag-teaming each other lately. One laid out an insult than the other slap it down harder.

Amoli ran her tongue across her cheek and peek at Matt. I pray to God if he exists that she is not hoping Matt will defend her.

Matt was still reading the paper.

For fuck sake, if he was going to ignore her. Can't he find something better? I mean, who the fuck read newspaper nowadays?

Amoli pouted at his lack of defense.

"Where's Liam?" Mauricio asked.

"Out," I replied, and everyone peered at me. "What?"

"You...actually know his schedule?" Mauricio question.


"Wow," they all mouth.

"What's wrong with me knowing his schedule? I'm his caretaker." Actually, I didn't know he was going out for a morning jog today. I happened to run into him in the morning while I was itchy for some munchies. Looking at Liam once again in his tracksuit make me re-think all of my life decision.

I mean, I still ate the chocolate chip cookies, but I didn't feel good about it.

With Liam sudden desire to exercise in the morning caused my stomach to stir. Ever since I move in here, he hadn't worked out this early. With Lisa sudden arrival, he felt the need to jog.

Which make me wonder.

What exactly is their relationship?

Could they be lovers?

Goddammit. Why does every female that comes in contact with Liam, I automatically assume she is his lover.

Perhaps, if he did have a secret lover; everything would make more sense.

That would be the reason to why he was unhappy during our marriage. With an actual reason other than him merely not liking me; my heart could move on a bit easier.

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