Concert Tragedy

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Welcome, ARMY Wives! Lol, we can wish, right? Well, hopefully you can relax a bit while reading and leave your troubles behind for a while 💜
Let me know how you like it if you have time! I aim to please! Thanks in advance!

****HOLY NIGHT 75,000 views?! I am sooooo grateful for you all!****

I have updated this chapter and will continue to update until it's perfect! Lol I am a perfectionist.....a really bad perfectionist!

Jungkook's raven colored hair bounced and fell perfectly back into place as he shook the hair out of his eyes, looking over the small crowd of Army Bombs waving excitedly back and forth. He pouted and squinted his eyes, looking off into the distance, unable to see his fans properly due to the evening sun. He tapped the back of his finger on his nose and cheek as his purple microphone glistened, a starburst pattern reflecting high into the empty part of the stadium.

Giving up on seeing any faces until the sun went down, he got the attention of another member and pointed to a spot on the stage, causing his shirt to lift just enough to expose the rock-hard abs he had always been too modest to show off properly. Catching the rare sight, the small crowd roared with excitement, and he immediately shielded his eyes to search for their reactions. He waved his arms at the fans who were losing their minds, joining the excitement as they jumped and screamed, a wide grin on his face.

He knew he was good-looking; he had learned that from his fans, and he loved it when they showed him. He wasn't a bit conceded.... maybe appearing to be somewhat, but only because the feeling of being unattractive and not good enough was still deep down somewhere, surfacing sometimes in the middle of the night or suddenly when he was straightening his collar in the mirror. He liked attention-as long as you stayed in your lane. He welcomed flattery, but also realized it was surface level, and couldn't take it to heart fully.

He had always wanted someone to be over-their-ass in love with him, the way he felt love should be, and he wanted to be completely smitten with them as well, but he could read people easily, and what he saw was only temporary or just infatuation.... they looked at him as if they were looking right through him, not seeing him at all, albeit a huge smile on their face and twinkle in their eyes. He felt his heart flutter when they looked at him that way, in the moment, but afterwards it sent him into a depressive state, because although he knew love was in fact, real.... that was not it. And how would he know it when he sees it?

He felt like he could recognize it, if not with his eyes, at least with his heart; his soul, but he had waited so long, watched too many movies, dreamed too many times about someone that may or may not exist.... He was starting to lose faith in the fate that he saw happen so many times in his visions, not because he didn't believe in it, but because he was growing more concerned with each passing day that maybe his only real fate was... loneliness. But this morning was different, as he was feeling especially energetic and happy for no apparent reason, something telling him that love was not as far away as he thought it to be.

Y/N clung to her water bottle at the side of the stage, watching him seemingly glide across the stage in slow motion, the sunlight mixing with his aura and cascading pinkish orange rays of light outward. The muscles in his arms and legs bulging from the tight clothing with each step he took, his grin turning into a smolder as he gained confidence from the lively crowd. She watched as he walked over to her side of the stage, completely full of himself and loving every minute of Army's attention. It was hard to believe she was actually seeing him up close and personal, the energy bouncing off of him feeling amazing, just like she had felt when she first saw him on her computer screen. She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts by two dark doe eyes gazing right at her, her face lighting up as she smiled gently back at him.

He quickly looked away and she feared that she had made him uncomfortable, but before she could process her thoughts, he looked directly back into her eyes again, this time his stare was much more intense, as if he were trying to look right through to her soul, making her glance away this time. His heart raced as he neared the end of the stage, she was beautiful, but it wasn't her beauty that had caught him, it was how familiar she was to him. Maybe she was at one of the other concerts? Or was she a stalker? No, he could tell she wasn't like that.... but he didn't know how. He would have remembered her if he knew her though.... right? There's no way he could've forgotten a smile like that.

Suddenly, a staff member caught his attention tinkering with a light fixture. He pointed and yelled before he jumped down from the stage and dashed over to the gate. "No, not that!" Jungkook tried to warn him, grabbing onto his shoulder at the exact time he jammed a screw driver right into some wires. It was as if lightning had struck suddenly, illuminating the area and blasting the three of them backwards.

Only a moment had passed when Jungkook and the staff raised their head, nodding to each other that they were okay before he jumped up and flew over the gate to the sweet girl lying on the stadium floor. He dropped to his knees beside her, "Where are you hurt?" He looked back at the stage, "HELP US! PLEASE, COME QUICK!" Fans sprinted over, stopping in their tracks the moment they saw Y/N on the ground, the entire stadium becoming silent.

He looked back at Y/N, noticing a large gash on her face and frantically pulled out a scarf he had hanging out of his back pocket to stop the bleeding. "I'm so sorry!" He gently placed the scarf on her cheek and tried hard not to hurt her further as he applied pressure.

"I-it's okay, I'm fine." She lied, blinking her eyes as she tried to focus on his face. He looked around for the culprit, finding nothing around them that would've had the potential to cut her cheek, until he noticed; out of the corner of his eye, his blood streaked wrist and the bracelet that dangled from it. He gasped and looked down at her, "Oh shit! I'm so sorry!"

Staff, guards, and medics appeared out of nowhere to assist and grabbed him by the shoulders, "Come with me, I need to check your vitals." Jungkook jerked away from them, "No, she needs help, not me." Another medic quickly placed some gauze over her wound, "She'll be right behind you, I just have to stop the bleeding first."

Jungkook turned his head several times to check on her as he was pulled away by the team, the fans making a path in front of them, worried looks on their face. The sky had turned into a twilight blue and he hadn't noticed the light rain that peppered his skin as he staggered, consumed by his dream-like state. Without warning, his vision became blurred and faded to darkness upon entering backstage, a medic catching him just in time.

Have a wonderful day/night! 💜 Don't forget I am always here if you just want to talk!

Also, if you have time, check out my other story "I Met The Jerk"! In that one he's clearly a pain in the butt and you know you love it when he is!

P. S.

I'll love you forever if you'd vote (only if warranted 😘) Eh, who am I kidding? I'll love you forever just for reading 😘

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