Evil Awakened

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Hello all! Let me know what you think about this one if you have time!

What the hell am I doing?

Anything I want.

He's my brother, not my enemy.

Everyone is the enemy.

Not my family.

He raised up; trembling, tears filling his eyes as he looked at Namjoon's twisted body underneath him.

"What have I done?!?" He cried out, holding his head in his hands as tears streamed down his face.

Jin and Y/N slowly entered the room, "It's okay, Jungkook." Jin told him calmly.

"NO! There's something controlling me. Something I can't stop.....baby I'm sorry, I promised I would never hurt you but this isn't me! You all need to get out of here now!"

His breath became shallow and his heart thudded against his chest. He fell forward but Jin caught him as Namjoon got to his feet.

"Get everyone.... out of here." Jungkook whispered again.

Y/N looked at Jin nervously before she spoke.

"B-baby, it's okay, an ambulance is on the way."

"You're all a bunch of dumbasses." He suddenly stood up as if nothing was wrong with him and grabbed Y/N by the throat gently.

The boys all jumped over to them, ready to fight again if he was going to force them.

He paid no mind to their reaction and instead tilted his head and smirked, looking her directly in the eyes, "Ever wanted an audience while I screwed you?"

"Jungkook, please!" Y/N's eyes poured.

"Okay, chill! That's enough, Jungkook! Let her go! You want her, you'll have to take us down first!" Jimin called as they gathered around him.

Don't do it, don't do it! I love them!

They don't love me! She doesn't love me! She only wanted me for the money and to be close to them!

She loves me more than anything, they all do, that's why the wouldn't leave me no matter how much I warned them!

They only want to fight you for your woman, and she wants to watch.

"Do you all really think this a fair fight?" He smirked at Y/N, "Do you think they'll take me down and they can have their way with you freely?"

"Jungkook, we would never do that, I swear! Please, I know the real you is in there, you just have to fight it!"

I am fighting....I'm losing, Baby.....I'm losing.....Run.

You lost, pathetic wimp. You have no business being titled the Golden Maknae! You were never good at anything you didn't practice a million times beforehand! And you can't even tell when you're being taken for a fool! Is that baby even yours? I suspect she looks a little more like Taehyung, myself!

You're wrong....

Am I? You really think she's innocent? You think your fake friend wouldn't steal her away from you?

He wouldn't.

He tried.....he's dead....so Namjoon was next to have a turn with her.


Then Jimin. He flirts with her constantly, from day one! He was never loyal to you, none of them were!

They all watched as Jungkook stood there, blinking. "Keep talking to him, Y/N." Jin coaxed her.

"Baby? Can you you hear me? Help is on the way....just fight it for a few more minutes, I know you can, you can do anything."

You can do nothing! Ha! Do you hear these lies? Do you hear them?!? They're the reason you think you're so damn good at everything!


Yes. All lies! They baby you.... Everyone babies you to keep you from knowing the truth! That you're a loser! Do you think she married you for you!?

Jungkook found himself listening to his own laughter as everyone looked at each other, he was laughing at nothing!


You hear that, baby?

She never loved me.

Of course she didn't! She loved what you could do for her.

The baby isn't mine. She's not my daughter.

I'm surprised you fell for it.

"Jungkook? Don't worry, help is on the way, okay?" Namjoon called to him.

"Where is he?" Jimin whispered to Jin. "He's gone.... Just gone."

Jungkook suddenly turned his gaze to Y/N, empty of expression, "Where's your bastard child, whore?" His hand tightened around her neck, "Which one of these is the father?" He looked around at them, sizing them up and becoming all the more enraged, "Or was it someone else entirely?" 

She's a liar. She's not going to tell the truth! She needs to pay for what she did to you, she made you look like a fool! And they all knew.... every single one of them.... and didn't say a word. 

"Jungkook, that baby is yours and you know it! Where is this coming from? Can we just sit down and talk about this?"  Namjoon pleaded. 

Jungkook let go of Y/N and spun around to face him, "You're the father, aren't you?" Namjoon held his hands up, "Dude, the only time any of us were ever around her before she moved here was at that cookout, and then we all left with you on business! I know she is yours, you do too!"

He's lying. Lies, lies, lies. 

"I promise, she's yours! I can prove it!" Y/N cried, "Your parents wanted a DNA test, but they didn't want you to know about it..... I agreed so that they wouldn't have any reason not to love her."

Your parents wouldn't care if the baby was yours or not, they would only care about money!  Take her out, now!

Thank you for reading! I know a lot of us are on lock down and it sucks! Hope you all stay healthy and happy!

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