Chapter 18: When bad warlocks go good

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We are standing outside of the church getting things out of the QUAKE van while talking.

"Hey, you know what? The next time Quake does a food pantry, why don't you call some guys," Prue suggests to Piper who just looks at her.

"Yeah, I'll just go through my handy guy Rolodex," Piper jokes and I shake my head with a smile on my face.

"Which I believe now stops at 'J' for Josh, or is it 'B' for boyfriend," Phoebe teases but Piper deflects the teasing.

"I don't wanna talk about it," she shakes her head as we finish getting things out of the van, closing it behind us.

"Why not, Piper? You know you like him and he calls you all the time. Why don't you just go out with him?" I look at her in curiosity.

"I told you. Because I'm too busy with work and my instincts are telling me to lay low," Piper looks at us and we nod.

"Always trust your instincts," Prue points out and Phoebe just looks at her.

"Whose side are you on?" We see some Nuns walk past us and Piper points at them with her head.

"Now, they have got the right idea," Piper tells us and I hide a laugh.

"Who, the nuns?" She nods her head.

"Yep, nice safe environment," Piper smiles.

"Yeah, if you like monks," Phoebe jokes and Piper joking glares.

"Stress-free, no need to worry about guys, no wardrobe," she smiles and Phoebe stops dead in her tracks, causing us to turn around to face her.

"No wardrobe? Okay, now you're scaring me," she looks at Piper who is looking at a Pen that she is holding.

"Um, whose pen is this?" She wonders and I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh, it's, uh, Brendan's, I think. You know, the cute guy who signed for the food, remember?" Prue points out and we nod in realization.

"I remember him, yes," Phoebe nods her head.

"Good, then you can take it to him. I think he's in the church office," Piper points at it the church.

"Okay, just don't go taking any vows while I'm gone, all right?" Phoebe jokes as Piper hands her the pen, Phoebe nearly drops it as she gasps, having a premonition.

"Oh, oh, cute guy, I just saw him being attacked by a warlock," Phoebe pats my arm a few times so I quickly re-open the van and we put the food back.

"Where?" Prue demands.

"I think it was here somewhere," Phoebe looks at us and I nod.

"All right, let's split up," we all run in opposite directions, looking for Brendan, I run into the church but I quickly hide behind a wall as I see Brendan with 2 guys in front of him so I listen in.

"Give it up, little brother. You're praying to the wrong deity. Aren't you, Brendan? I mean, after all, we can't deny who we are," One of the guys says and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"You don't scare me, Greg," Brendan says so I stick my head around the corner to see what is happening.

"Sure I do," I then watch as Greg morphs into his warlock form.

"We've come a long way to find you. We're not leaving until you join us," Greg growls as the other guy speaks up.

"Please, Brendan, we don't want to hurt you," he shakes his head as Greg hits Brendan to the floor.

"Did you really think that the church could save you?" He growls and picks up Brendan off of the floor, I then hear the door open and I see that it is Prue, I nod to where Brendan is and she nods.

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