face your fear already

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Scarlet's pov


It's already toward the end of the day and I cannot wait to finally leave. I hate school! As most people do.

I had a free period meaning you get an entire 30 minutes to yourself. Which to me is a blessing to have.

I headed outside were the sitting area was. There's big beautiful trees creating soft shadows on the ground, giving shade. Benches and tables scattered around the place. There were a few people outside which didn't bother me much.

The light breeze began to hit my delicate face, and blow my hair slightly. I looked around trying to find a good spot to sit down and relax. I walked around and soon stopped a few feet away from, you guessed it Gerard.

Why do I was always see him? It's like everywhere I go he's there.

I tried not to make eye contact so he wouldn't be able to see me. I found a nice cozy spot under a tree. I sat down on the hard ground while the grass gave me some comfort. I busted out my iPod and shoved in my ear buds. As I got lost in the music, I also got lost in my thoughts.

Should I go talk to him? He is alone. Maybe he wants to be by himself? Even if I go up to him, what will I say? I know I will say something stupid.

Just go up and talk to him.....It's not that easy!

ugh just Look at me! I'm arguing with myself, pathetic. Who does that. just get the fuck up and talk to him.

i shoved my ipod back into my bag and slowly but quietly got up from my spot. my legs were shaking, my hands were clamy, my heart was pounding.

at least just say hi to him, whats the worst that can happen?

I slowly approached to Gerard, trying not to look like a complet idiot while doing so. He was sitting under a tree as well. He had a book and I believe skehing something. As I got closer to him, he snapped his head up and saw me.

Look away! No don't do that just say hi. Go DO IT!

'um hi." I mumbled. Yup officially pathetic.

He gave a sweet smile, "hi, nice meeting you again."

I was stuck. I didn't know what else to say. God damit I can even have the simplest of conversations. Thankfully he continued to speak.

"I'm glad you said something to me today. I thought you hated me or something.' he said

Great, you already made someone feel like shit.

"Why would you think that?' I became clearer with my words as I gained a bit more confidence and curiosity.

"Well you don't speak much and you always look away from me. Sorry I got the wrong idea."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just uhh... umm a shy person"

"I realized" he gave another smile.

Wow, I'm I really having a normal conversation that I stared! Holy shit I'm magical... not really but this is an accomplishment for me.

"So I realized your shirt. You're into that type of music?"

"Yeah ever since I was a kid." I said with a big smile thinking about my amazing taste in music since my childhood.

"Hey there's a smile."

I blushed and looked down. shit shit shit. I hope he didn't noticed.

He chuckled lightly and then we heard the bell ring. Thank you lord it's finally time to leave.

I looked back at him, " hey, um... you w-want to grab coffee with me?" Gerard asked. He seemed a bit nervous. Probably thinking I would say no. but, I didn't want to. As much as I wanted to go home and be anti-social, I thought what the hell why not

"Yeah sure" I gave a smile

I'm not the biggest coffee drinker. But, I would drink it if it was around, if that makes any sense.

He smiled again and got up. Shoved his book in his bag and said. "Well let's go then."

~~ skip to coffee shop~~

As we entered to coffee shop, the smell of coffee hit me. I never been to this coffee shop before, what was it called again? Oh yeah Starbucks. Gerard told me he loves this place. I didn't know what special drinks they had so I told him to order me his favorite drink. I looked in my bag to pay for my half but I noticed I didn't have any money. Shit. After panicking of not having any money I noticed Gerard had already paid for both drinks.

"I could have paid you know." I said

"Yup, I know. But, I wouldn't let you."

"oh really, how come?"

"Because I don't let pretty ladies pay. I'm a gentlemen."

That hit me like a ton of bricks. Did he just say I was a pretty lady? Oh he's just playing around, he would never mean that.

I tired change the subject so it wouldn't be awkward.

"So I saw you drawing something in that book of your. You draw?"

"Oh yeah! I love it! I'm a huge fan of comic books. I make my own characters and stuff."

"oh that's really cool" I wanted to see it but I didn't want to seem nosy

~~ 2 hours later~~

Me and Gerard have been talking about our self's and such. I really felt like I can talk to him. But my shell won't break that easily. I'm keeping my problems to myself in till I can trust him. I have trust issues. No matter how nice you are to me. You have to gain my trust before I leak my information, my top secret information.

Gerard and I headed out the shop and walked our separate ways after we said good bye to each other. Not that bad of a first day after all.

I entered in my house and found that no one was home. There was a note on the kitchen table

"Hi scarlet, your dad and I headed to a business trip. We will be gone all week. Don't plan on doing anything stupid on the weekend. Stay safe"

Wow, thanks for leaving me. And my mom should know better about me doing something stupid on the weekends. Face it I never leave the house, anti-social. I got tired so I hopped in the shower changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. Here's to another day.


Longish chapter hope it's good

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