8// School

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Nabila's POV

Monday mornings are just one of the best mornings. I know some people will be like what am I saying but then that feeling of going to school is always good I'm telling you.

Amamah went back to her house yesterday night because Ammi said that she had to prepare for school. I wasn't bothered because I was still going to meet her at school.

"You've started with your laziness Koh" Maamita yelled from the parlor.

"No I'm almost done" I stated while I was actually lying. I'm still looking at my school uniform as if I've never seen it. It comprises of a pink long sleeved shirt, a blue skirt, a blue jacket and a pink cap. I quickly wore my uniform and ran to the dining room.

"Good morning" I greeted sitting close to MD serving myself plantain, eggs and some sausages.

"Good morning dear how was your night" Daada asked me
"My night was very good" I replied

"Good morning late comer" Amma said looking at me

"Sorry Amma good morning" I replied

"Guess what" Daada said

"We're getting the backyard" MD and MJ said in unison

"No I'm the one getting it" I argued.

Since when we moved to this house, Daada said that the house had a lot of space and didn't know what to do with the backyard. We have two big gardens, a big parking lot and another extra space that has been covered with carpet grass just for its sake.

The boys said it should be their football pitch while I said it should be my personal garden where I'll have flowers of different colors and build a small swimming pool that will contain me only. So this was the argument. Daada said he'll get back to us so anytime he says guess what we all think about that.

"No. Both guesses wrong" our faces fell
"The news is that we are going to our family house at Sokoto during the holidays. The whole family." Daada said

"YAAAAAAAYYYY" we chorused. Being at the family house is fun especially when the whole family are there.

Our family house is big. Very big. There are 24 houses in the family house apart from the main house. That is where our grand mother stays. 4 houses are for guests during family ceremonies. Hajiya S(kaku) has ten sons and 1 daughter. Kawu Rayhan is the oldest. The one that lives in Sokoto. He has 3 daughters and 2 sons , ya Khadija is married, Ruqayya is 18 yrs studying at UDUS and Siyama is 14 my age mate. Then the twins Abeer and Adeer.

Kawu Rayhan is my only paternal uncle that I know.

"Oya be fast, we mustn't be late" I shouted at the boys. Daada had already left. They hurried up and left the house.

15 minutes later

Soon we were at the school gate. I didn't even notice until I saw MD getting out of the car.

"Nabs you're very early today any problem" Mahmud asked to annoy me. I had always been a late comer but what's bad about coming to school early for once.

"Mahmud can you please excuse me" I said clearly not interested. I can't wait for Kuhu to come so I'll tell her.

"K won't come today. Her appointment with the doctor is today" Mahmud said as if he read my lips. I pouted. My closest friend won't be in school today.

"Are her glasses getting changed"I asked
"Nope but her eyes are going to be checked. They have to know if they need to change the lenses" he answered writing something.

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