12// Moving On

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Not edited. Badly written so don't mind
Nabila's POV

I was still at Ama's house when one of her friends called her. She was inviting us to her parent's anniversary party which she organised for her parents as a surprise.

"When is it" I asked because the phone was on speaker mode.
" It's on the 27th of next month" she replied
Next month. My heart started beating faster.
"27th of December?!"I asked to confirm.
Yeah and I'm super excited" she replied.

I looked at Ama then tears came rushing down my face. I ran out of Ama's room to their balcony which was high walled. I sat down on the floor and joined my legs together. I put my head on them them crossed my hand over them.

I cried. I cried each time I remember what happened that day. That day was the most unfortunate day of my life. On that day.......... Well you'll soon get to know.

"Beelah stop crying" Ama said hugging me. Apart from our parents she's the only one that knows about that day.
"Ama I can't" I sobbed" anytime I remember what happened that day I feel like..... like" I sobbed harder.

"Don't cry. What ever happened that day happened for the best. You see you're still living your life and you're happy. Don't spoil your mood. It's a long incident,four years ago. It won't matter again,kinji" Ama consoled me wiping my tears away.

"Ama thank you so much for being with me when I need" I said crying.
"Come on silly. If I don't console this cry baby who will?" She said and I nodded

That's how Ama consoled me and made me forget everything. She's really a gem. Not everyone is lucky enough to have someone like her by his or her side all the time.


I was coming back from the hospital when Dr Asha called. She told me to go to her house but said that if I'm busy I didn't need to go.
Since it was Dr Asha, I decided to go. It was after 8. I was driving when I saw a man...... more like a mad man because his clothes were torn and he looked miserable.

I honked at him but it seems like he is deaf. I tried applying the brakes but I didn't know what happened as my car hit him.

He was about to fall when I caught his head. Wait he looks familiar........oh no it's Ahmad. What's Ahmad doing here in this situation.

"Ahmad"I shouted
"Ahmad"I repeated but I got no answer. I repeated a few more times but when I noticed that he was unconscious I started shouting for help but the problem is that only a few people live around here

I had only one option and that was to carry him by myself. I tried carrying him but ended up dragging him.

After a lot of struggles, I put him into the car and drove off. He was bleeding so I sped up.

In no time I reached the hospital. I made sure they admitted him before finnally sitting down. I called his sister Fatima,yh I met few weeks ago after the dinner.

Before you could say a word, they were in the hospital. We all waited but later went home to get some rest.

I gave strict orders to every doctor and nurse on talking to him when he wakes up. I told them to do their work.


Next morning

Ahmad's POV

I woke up to see myself in a hospital and since when I woke up, doctors and nurses had been entering to either check something or bring my food and non of them talk to me. If I try to talk to them they ignore me and continue what they are doing. And worse part, they chained my legs. Do I look like a mad man.

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