17// Shocking Truth 2

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Nabila's POV

I entered my room to see Amal sitting on the carpet crying. I knelt down in front of her and she raised her head to see me.

"I'm....... I'm soorr........ ry sis. I....... it was not.......... ooo..... on pur..... purpose" she sobbed then I hugged her.

"Amal what happened " I said as I rubbed circles on her back to reduce the sobbing.

When her cries subsided she started talking.

"Ya Beelah promise you won't judge me" she wiped her tears
"Yes Amal I promise " she was really scaring me.

"I'm sorry you have to take everything on yourself " she paused to look at me while I nodded at her to continue " I was the cause of what happened to Ummi but I swear it wasn't because I wanted to win"
"Okay tell me how" I can't believe what she's saying

"So this is how it happened flashback
I was walking towards the dressing room when I met Ummi.
"Bitch don't think you're going to be the winner, I will be" she winked at me then hit my shoulder with hers before going away.

I promise to teach you a lesson wait and watch.

I walked into the dressing room then walked to my dress. I checked it then noticed that it was torn.

OMG! How am I going to wear it. I stitched it but I wasn't satisfied.
Then I exchanged my dress with Ummi's dress. I exchanged the name tag then walked out of the room with Ummi's dress (which had my name on it) .

I never knew that the dress would tear. I'm really sorry" she finished in tears.

"Dear it's okay. When you noticed that your dress was torn you could have reported to the authority. Besides I'm not angry, just look at the consequences of what you've done " I scolded.

" First thing tomorrow morning we'll go to the Waziri mansion. You have to confess and apologize I'm I clear" I added

"Yes" she nodded
"Now wash your face, pray then we'll go downstairs to eat. And you won't talk about today even if someone bring it up"

"Okay. But sis what about the journalists, they might pub... "
"No they won't, I've sorted that out" I cut her off

She looked at me before saying "are you some sort of fairy that even after what her brother did you still went ahead to help her"

"I don't care about her brother and what he said, that's his f****** business. And about Ummi, she's like a sister in to me so I'll do everything it takes to protect her " I said.

"Iyye irin good human being innan" she winked
"Mad oo" I said
"Mad oo" she repeated and ran into the washroom
"Be careful oo, you know Hafsa there are aljanu in where you're going into" I could hear her laugh. I shook my head then sat on the bed as I waited for her to come out.

When she came out I entered the bathroom them performed ablution. We both prayed then went downstairs.

/.... /.... /.... /.... /.... /.... /.... /.... /.... /

"You guys really had fun without us" waleed said sipping his juice.
"Oh yh we had a lot of fun without you and trust me it was fantastic " I teased.

"Fashion show and fantastic. You people have no work to do" that was Mahmoud, he is forming big boy just because he's now eighteen.

Well if you're confused then I advise you to read chapter two again. Right now I'm conversating with my brothers and Amal after dinner.

Chronicles Of Nabilah✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora