9// Doctor Nabila Muhammad

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Eight years later

"It's very urgent please come soon" Dr Asha, my assistant yelled through the phone

"Okay.......I'm on my way just prepare the OT" I said grabbing a yellow veil.

"Alright" Dr Asha murmured.

"Nabila come and eat your breakfast" Maamita yelled from the kitchen.

"No Maamita I'll eat outside there's an urgent surgery and you know nothing matters to me more than my patients" I said running down the stairs.

"Okay make sure you eat. Take care" Maamita hugged me.

"Bye" I pecked her cheeks and sauntered out.

You must be confused right?

Well I'm still the Nabila you know just a bit matured and crazier 😉.
I'm now a successful cardiologist and the owner of Dr Nabilah Medical Care in Abuja, working on a branch in Sokoto and Kano.

I'm currently working on a patient, Alina, a seven year old girl who has a whole in her her. She was on medications for the past few months and was getting better but something came up and the surgery has to be done as soon as possible.
I just hope she gets well.

I walked out of the car and ran into the hospital.

"Good morning Dr Nabila" Fatiha , the receptionist greeted

"Morning, how are you" I greeted
"I'm fine and you" she smiled
"Same......I'm sorry I've to go attend to Alina" I said smiling back at her
"Ooohhh good luck" she wished.
"Thanks" and I rushed to the elevator.

In no time I was in my office. I immediately changed and walked to the OT where I met Alina's mom, Dr Dora and Dr Asha waiting for me.

"Hey guys good morning. I'm sorry. Did she eat anything an hour before now" I rambled off while Reina , Alina's mom smiled at me
"Good morning to you too and also she didn't eat anything" she said.

"Thank God Asha let's go" I walked in.

15 minutes later

"Munnar give me the filler" I said to a nurse and she did so.

"Oh my God" Asha exclaimed with shock all over her face" the regulator.....oh no" she added

"Look don't distract me" I said sternly.
"The regulator is at 25 meaning her..." Malik stated before I cut him off.

"She'll be fine" I murmured and focused

30 minutes later

"Alhamdulillah" I sighed as I came out of the OT .

"I hope she's fine" Reina said with tears staining her face. I hugged her before saying"she's fine, Alhamdulillah"

"Alhamdulillah can I see her" she said smiling
"Yeah surely but not now because she's still under the effect of the anaesthesia" I said wiping my tears but Reina didn't notice.
"I'll inform you when you can "I said walking away

I walked straight to my office. I saw the name tag Dr Nabila M then smiled. I sat down on my chair as I stared at the door. I felt tears coming down my cheeks. I cleared them but it seems like the more I clean the more they come.

I placed my head on the table before I heard a knock on the door.
I used a disposable hanky to clean my face then shouted"come in"

Asha came in and hugged me "congrats babe you did it"she squealed

"Yh" I muttered then the tears came back.

"Why..........why are you crying" Asha said hugging me
"Asha I thought I was going to lose Alina"I hiccuped "and I couldn't bear it. I......was .......sc...scared "hiccups

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