Ramadan Kareem

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakutuhu.

My lovely readers, with great joy, I announce to you the commencement of the holy month of Ramadan. I hope Allah SWA gives us the ability to participate actively and may He forgive us.

As we enter the month of Ramadan, may Allah accept all of our ibada and forgive our sins. I pray we love to see this Ramadan and I pray it becomes a blessing to everyone. Ramadan Kareem

And also, I won't be updating till after Ramadan. Please let's all try and reduce the time we spend using our gadgets and the internet. Let's keep wattpad away for sometime and focus on Azkhars and Qur'an

Till we meet again lovelies.

Massalam. Amina loves you all.

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