30// Game of Chase

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"You better open this door right now". Ama froze. What the hell!

" Wait a minute " she said and walked over to the door. She opened it and it was Amal. Amal quickly entered the room and they locked it.

"What took you so long?" Ama asked. She had already informed Amal about her suspicion and Amal offered to help.

"I had to make sure that no one saw me and guess what?"

"Spill" Ama said now focusing on Raima's phone. It will soon unlock.

"Spill the teaaa" Amal giggled then Ama eyed her.
"Sorry" she murmured

"Raima is looking for her phone. And as I'm speaking, she's walking round the house looking for you" Ama gasped

"You should have told me soon. Alhamdulillah, the phone has opened. Where's your phone?" Ama said typing really fast.

"Gashi(here it is)" She handed it over to her.

Ama quickly went to Raima's messages then saw Mairo's on top. She read from the beginning and reached the last message which was delivered while she was hacking the phone. It read:

Mairo:- I've been waiting for you and you didn't come so I think I'll just go to where we kept her. I'm sure she'll still be there since she was knocked out and you said it wasn't the police.

Ama thought deeply before she replied.

Raima:- Where is she? Where did you keep her?

Mairo:- I'm not sure of the places' name because it was Gaddafi who led me here. But I heard him say something about an old police station in Kuhe or is it Kude? I can't remember

Raima:- Kuje right?

Mairo:- Yes, yes that's it

Raima:- Okay when you get there just stay there. I'll find a way to come.

Mairo:- Okay. Just come fast.

Ama jumped up and started dancing. When she regained her senses, she thanked God with moist eyes. She was going to expose that little bitch today.

"Do you have a clue of where she is?" Amal asked looking a bit relieved

"Not clue darling. I have a whole evidence and f..fin..finally... I'll see Beelah. Sh..she'll be safe" Ama said almost breaking down. She had really missed Nabila.

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