20// I Love You

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This chapter is going to be written in the author's POV

Around one o'clock, Ahmad arrived at Nabila's residence. He was welcomed grandly by Nabila and her siblings alongside Amal but he hadn't yet met maamita.

"Sis, why is he dressing like this" mahmud whisphered to Nabila
"I also don't know. Just enjoy the show" she laughed.

Soon enough, maamita came downstairs welcoming Ahmad.
"How are you?" She enquired giving Nabila a weird look while Nabila just shrugged feigning ignorance
"I'm well MashaAllahhhhhh" this made Nabila laugh a lot but when Maamita glared at her she maintained a straight face.

"My son sit mana" Maamita offered then he shook his head no.
"You seat first" he looked down
"Okay" maamita said but was still giving him a quizicall look

"Let me get you some refreshments" maamita stood up and he followed suit. This time Nabila tried hard to stop herself from laughing.
"Why are you standing? I said that I'm about to get you refreshments so why do you stand"maamita said in disbelief

With his head low, he sat down and maamita motioned for Nabila to follow her which she did with an evil smile. Ahmad looked at her and she gave him a thumbs up.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he behaving weird" maamita asked immediately they were in the kitchen
"Ammah I don't know fa. He's really behaving somehow today"Nabila replied.

"What about the dressing" maamita said
"Maamita he told me that he wanted to suprise you, I think this is the suprise" Nabila smiled "I know he looks good" she added waiting for maamita's expression

"He does but who wears such clothes in this century" maamita said as she passed a tray full of delicacies to Nabila.

"Ahmad eat" maamita said
"No you eat" maamita looked at Nabila then she nodded. Ahmad was thinking that he was on the safe side.

Maamita's was thinking that he might be nervous, Nabila was enjoying the show while Ahmad was doing as Nabila told him to do.

Later on he met Baba and Baba was really happy to see him. After sometime he bid them bye then he was about to do go out when Maamita said that Nabila has to escort him out. She didn't want to go at first but due to Maamita's stern looks, she changed her mind.

"Nabila I have a confession to make" Ahmad said as soon as they were out of the building.

"And what's that" Nabila said
"I can't tell you now but I would pick you up by 7pm". He said as he entered his car.

"Sure"Nabila smiled as he started the car
"Remember to dress beautifully" he winked then zoomed off.

Nabila was left there smiling like a fool. "What does he want to tell me?" She mused to herself then she remembered his last words before he left 'remember to dress beautifully'.

The words kept echoing in her ear as she smiled until she felt nudged by something on her shoulder
"What happened to you? You've been smiling like there would be no tomorrow" came Amal's voice

"I don't know. You won't understand" Nabila said then walked to her room.

Immediately she was in the privacy of her room, she called Ama
"Helppp. I'm at home" she yelled then cut the call.

Ama thought it was something really serious so she wasted no time in getting to Nabila's house.

"Ama" Nabila said as she hugged her. Ama asked her what happened and she told her everything that transpired between Ahmad and her.

"Beelah I also have a life to live ya know" Ama said as she slumped onto Nabila's coffee chair

"So you won't help me out" Nabila pouted
"No dear I would help you but for that we need to go shopping" Ama said

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