Chapter 2: Over

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"Come on, Y/N," she exclaims as you continue holding your coffee with trembling hands, "For fuck's sake, you've got to break up with him, or do you want me to do it for you?"

"Ally, please, if I'm breaking up with him, I'd do it myself." You rub your forehead with your fingers. "Besides, this happened so many times before already and I know that him and I can work this out."

"Yes, exactly, Y/N. This had happened so many times already, so what, are you just going to let yourself get used to it? You know, you're such a bae, Y/N. Are you just going to let him stomp over you?" From the tone of her voice, it feels like this was more of her problem than yours. "He's done nothing but to play with you, cheat on you, and fuck your heart up. Stop letting his honeyed words get you, honey."

"I'm okay, Ally. I'm  going to talk to him about it later."

"You mean you're going to talk it out? You're obviously not okay Y/N. You're crying and doubt you even notice it."

You were — and you can pretty much notice. You just didn't want to feel that you were crying and you didn't really feel like crying about it, so you decided to just ignore the tears.

"You know that I can't just leave him, Ally," you answer, pulling your long sleeves over your fists and wiping your tears with it, "I know how it feels to be left, and I don't want to be like Taehyung."

"Y/N, trust me, you have every reason to leave. And leaving doesn't make you anything like Taehyung, but not leaving makes you a lot less like yourself. He is as asshole-y as he gets, and you are so much more than him and RJ," she says, her eyes gently looking back at your teary ones, "For fuck's sake, you replaced a shitty boyfriend with a shittier one."

She chuckles, which makes soft and subtle giggles escape your mouth as well.

She gives you a genuine simper. "If you don't want me to stand up for you, then please stand up for yourself, Y/N, and you can bet that I won't ever stop being here for you."

Maybe that was all you needed — Alyzza's comfort. Maybe you really did need to hear that, maybe somebody really had to say it. After your talk, you felt stronger, like you were ready to conquer anything... maybe even break up with RJ.

And so you did. As soon as you left Alyzza's dorm, you drove straight to RJ's boarding house, that he shared with his two of his male cousins, that night. You were so damn glad and thankful that you got there alive and didn't get arrested, since you're pretty sure that you were driving too fast and the road was slippery from all the raining.

You ran straight for the door, ignoring the fact that there was a high chance of you slipping. You didn't mind anything at that moment. All you were in for was to end things between you and him.

You turned the knob. It was locked.

You rang the doorbell for too many times, since you didn't have a choice because RJ had taken his spare key from you last week and never gave it back.

You rang the doorbell again and again, pushing that same damn button for too many times. "RJ, just fucking open up!" you say through gritted teeth, banging your palm once on the hard wood. It was getting colder and colder, and you were soaking wet, so you were literally freezing.

You start to rub your palms together, then you rub it on your arms, giving yourself as much heat as you can possibly give. In your head, if your death was today, you wish that the universe would spare you at least an hour. You weren't ready to die yet, not until you tell him what he has to hear.

It took him quite a while, but he answered eventually. His expression was irritated at first, but when he realized who was on the other side of the door, it was replaced by surprise.

He quickly pulls you to his form, rubbing at your arms, your cheeks, your ears, anywhere to make you warm as he kicks the door close. "Love, what's going on? I thought you won't come over tonight? And why were you letting yourself soak. You could get sick."

It wasn't too long when you realize that he was only wearing his bottoms though. His hair was a mess, and his lips were painted with stubborn stains of red — stains that looked like he tried to get rid of but failed.

You're not a fool to not know what was going on. He was clearly with somebody else here.

You push him away. "I already am sick, RJ. I am so fucking sick and tired of you," you say through gritted teeth, followed by your palm hitting his cheek, "That's for me," you slap him again, "That's also for me," and then one last time... for now, "And that's for all the time I wasted for your bullshits."

"Love, what are you saying, I—"

"If you're such a moron and you don't understand what I'm saying, then let me clear it out for you, dipshit. I don't deserve being cheated on. All throughout this goddamn relationship, I've been put up with all your shit and let you slip for more times than I can even count, so Fuck You. You don't deserve a woman. You don't deserve anyone, not even a damn puppy."

You say this as you try your best not to yell. You wanted to sound as cold as possible because you didn't want to cry. You didn't want your emotions to get the best of you. You didn't want for your weakness to show. Right now, the spotlight is yours and nobody's going to steal it from you, not even his shitty ass.

"I told you, I've changed," he chuckles, eyes not even daring to look back at yours. He was obviously guilty, obviously the one at fault.

"But do people really change, or they just tell you they do?"

You were tired, and angry, and sad, and cold. You just wanted to get everything over with and sleep. "Now tell me where your hoe is so I can slap some sense into her system too," you say with noticable shaking in my voice.

"There's no hoe, Y/N, I swear. I'm fucking alone. Can't you just fucking believe me?"

You slap him again. "That's for even thinking that I'd ever fall for your lies again. I repeat, Fuck You."

You take a deep breath, storming off to the bedroom, where you knew was probably where the bitch is at, making you mentally face palm for even asking him earlier, knowing that you'd only get a stupid answer.

As you were already by one of his cousins' door, which is next to his, he yells, "Dria, lock the door!" probably to make you fume even more.

This shit.

"Touch that knob, and I swear you won't get out with a single finger on your body," you threatened, your hands immediately reaching for the knob. You turn it and pushed the door open to see her running towards it, probably wanting to lock you out. Mind you, she was only wrapped in white blanket with smeared lipstick and messed up hair. "You're too slow, bitch," you say coldly, my fingers immediately reaching for her hair.

As you were doing everything, it felt great. It felt like winning. It felt like you were finally giving yourself some justice.

I felt strong.

But upon leaving, you felt terrible. While driving, you were in tears. And while laying in bed, you were drowning in my own thoughts.

You've never felt so empty.

Still Yours || K.Th ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin