Chapter 14: Invite

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Sighing, Taehyung scoots sidewards, camera steady and one eye closed as the other tries to look for the best angle. He smiles, throwing a praise toward the female model, which then makes her blush.

The whole studio claps as the camera flashes Taehyung's last few shots. Everyone seem to sigh out heavy exhales, knowing that they all did a job well done.

He pulls out his handkerchief from his pocket, wiping the sweat off of his hands and forehead. Looking at his watch, he smirks, knowing that he has the rest of his day to himself.

He heads off, walking to another room where he grabs and puts on his messenger bag and his coat. He checks his phone as he walks, yet still not forgetting to greet and bow to the other employees.

He walks out the building, the sunlight gently hitting his face and the wind blowing lightly at his hair. The day is pleasant, he thinks.

The day is going to be pleasant,

he thinks.


You hold two mustard dresses up, one a long-sleeve bandage dress, and the other an off shoulder with a high slit, looking at them as if pondering deeply. You shrug, walking over to the rack and hanging both the dresses.

"Y/N," you look over your shoulder, smiling sorely at the sight of the young woman sashaying towards you.

"Chaeyoung," you greet, "You're supposed to be at the set. I was just about to bring your dresses there."

She giggles bitterly almost out of mannerism, only whenever you're around though, handing you an elegantly decorated card, an invitation.

"Is it that or do you just not want me here? Anyways Mrs. Shin allowed me to take a break, and I just wanted to give you this," she instantly pulls her hand back as you take the card, twisting her hair around her finger, "I know I'd be caught up in my schedule and I wouldn't be able to find the right timing to give you this so I thought I'd just give it to you now."

You roll your eyes, lip twitching, as you mutter out a sarcastic 'thank you'.

"You know, I'm not sure you genuinely like me to come."

"Oh, I actually already hate the thought of inviting you," she plasters a fake smile, "But since I'm pretty sure my brother wants you there, I won't wait until he tells me to. Whole squad is invited by the way. You've been to every single one of my birthday parties, so what's another one, right? I'm used to the sicky feeling."

You roll at your eyes, "Damn, you're too frank, people mig— already hate you."

"Thanks for the advice which no one really asked for," she says bitterly, "I got to go. I have—"

"Oh, feel free to, I don't mind. You don't need a reason to, just go," you utter harshly, which she raises her brow at, "What, you want me to open the door for you?"

She plasters a tight, plastic smile as she walks away, but before walking out the door, she looks back. "Bring a date, by the way, if you'd even find one who wants to go with you," she utters before slamming the door.

Bring a date?


"I swear," you start, taking another bite of your burger, looking furiously over at nothing, "She's really getting on my nerves. If she's not Jimin's sister, I swear I'll fucking break her face."

He chuckles, "Chill."

You roll your eyes. "You know, I really like my job, but let me tell you this, Chaeyoung is a fucking handful," you say, turning towards Jimin who lets out a soft laugh.

"Hold your cool, okay?" Jimin giggles, "She's not that bad."

Taehyung gulps down his drink and nods, "Yes. I don't imagine her doing that. The girl's so nice."

"To you," you stress, head tilting, "In fact, to everyone, except me. I don't remember doing anything wrong to her and I don't know what she's so against me for, but it's fucking tiring."

"You do know that she's head over heels attracted to Tae since day one, right?" Jimin grins.

"So?" you speak out sassily.

Hoseok turns to you, laughing after being quiet for almost the whole time, "Then are you still going to that party? Because if you won't, I'll just stay home."

"You know what, fuck it," you say, eyes filled with maliciousness, "Pick an outfit. I'm fucking coming and I'll be the Belle of that fucking ball."

Jimin snorts, "You do know that it's a party party, right? People won't be jumping around in ball gowns."

"Barbie does it all the time though," Taehyung chuckles quietly to himself.

Hoseok speaks again, "We need dates right?"

"Is it required?" Taehyung says quietly to himself again.

"I don't know," you exhale a sharp breath, "but knowing her, she wouldn't even consider letting me in if I don't have my arm linked with another's when I come to that party."

Hoseok clears his throat, "So you're still up to finding a date?"

He smirks. You smirk.

Then, as if conversing silently, the two of you understand what the other means to say.

"I guess I have a date now, then," Hoseok claims.

"I guess we both do," you agree.

No one saw it from the corner of their eye, but Taehyung's lip twitched before forming a tight smile, keeping his gaze trained on his half full plate as if he wasn't affected by what he witnessed.

Hoseok looks over to Jimin who sits beside him, "Who will you be taking to the party? Are you asking Reina out?"

Jimin shakes his head, "I don't think I'll be going."

Your brows furrow at that. "You know, she may be the devil incarnate but are you really not attending your sister's birthday party?"

Jimin shrugs. "I'll think about it."

Knowing Jimin, it was odd for everyone to see him so careless and unsupportive. Jimin's always been in his sister's parties, even helped organize some of them, but he was acting so odd, as if he's had enough of something that had always once bothered him.

Jimin just giggles it off, looking over at Taehyung who continues to stare at his half full plate. "How about you, Tae?"

"I guess I'm staying home."

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