Chapter 6: Don't get drunk

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"I love how you're literally closer to my friends more than me, your boyfriend," he says, keeping up with you as you walk towards the house.

Even though you're still outside, the loud music was already blaring to your ears. You can see the party lights that peek from the windows and the drunk people that danced and danced.

You look down at your improvised Queen of hearts costume one last time, fixing your straightened hair with the ends colored red, before you turn to him.

"Fake boyfriend, Taehyung. And for goodness sake, we were fighting this morning. You can't force me to just get over it," you glare at him, walking about a foot farther from him and towards Namjoon who you hear chuckle. "Keep distance," you say to Taehyung who rolls his eyes in response.

"Get along please," Yoongi, who walks closer to Taehyung, says. "I don't see the need of getting her to hang out with us if y'all are just going to make a fuss about it."

"Hyung, you know how she and Ally used to hang out with us all the time in the past, right?" Taehyung sighs out, looking over to the side, keeping an eye on you. "If she wants to look comfortable with me, then she has to be comfortable with me. 'Cause I sure as hell am not comfortable with her."

"But you want to."

"Of course I want to. It's for the ac—"

"And it's not just for the acting," Yoongi cuts him off. "I know you still have feelings for her, Tae. Whenever we were on the phone while you were away, all you ever ask about is her."

Taehyung purses his lips at that.

How the hell could he deny it when he's already clearly caught?

"Talk to Jeongguk about this, yeah?" Yoongi suggest.

"I don't see the need of it."

"Just do it, Tae. He doesn't know anything about this yet." With that, Yoongi jogs off to walk with you and Namjoon.

Now, he walks alone, watching as the three of you walk inside the house. He looks at his phone.


There was no way he's taking you back to your pad later than midnight, although he, himself, is pretty much aware that he might get too drunk to even drive.

He follows inside the house, immediately greeted by familiar faces in their costumes.

Everyone put so much effort in their costumes. For instance, Yoongi spent almost half an hour to make his hair look as messed up as possible as he's dressing up as Chucky, and Namjoon is literally the sexiest and most rich-looking dracula in the costume party.

Taehyung immediately looks over to his right, feeling a light tap on his shoulder. There, stood a boy wearing a costume that seems to be a rich skeleton in expensive white clothes, a large hat and a kid-sized toy guitar that is unattractively painted in white, and he seems to be not having too much trouble in the afterlife.

"You made it," Jeongguk exclaims cutely, "And you're an.... abnormally pale boy with white hair and a blue hoodie, I suppose?"

"To be more specific, I'm Jack Frost, smart-ass," Taehyung answers, chuckling, "And what are you even supposed to be? A dead Mexican Singer?"

"Wow, you really don't know? I'm Ernesto de la Cruz, for fuck's sake," Jeongguk rolls his eyes, making Taehyung smile and want to pinch his cheeks. "Anyways, where's Y/N? I heard you two are coming here together, which is most definitely odd, but you do you, I guess."

"She walked in first with Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung."

"Oh, that explains it," he says, eyes pinned somewhere else before it looks back at Taehyung, "Anyway, are you going to drive her back later, or do you want me to do so? I mean it's not that I'm volunteering, but you usually do this back when you were still—" he pauses, figuring he was probably speaking too fast, and well, too much, "Anyway, I just think that you two won't be comfortable sitting in a car together... alone."

"Yeah, but we have to learn to be," Taehyung answers with a sigh, "she's my girlfriend, Jungoo."

The younger boy looks at him for a while, brows knitting slowly until he lets out a chuckle, "No, she's you ex. She's clearly not—"

"Fake girlfriend," he cuts off, making Jeongguk purse his lips, "a deal."

He is again speechless for a while, taking in the information that Taehyung has given. "And you're telling me this now" is his first statement when he starts to speak again.

"What?" the older man asks, confused over why he looks so upset.

"Nothing. Never mind that," Jeongguk says, looking away, "Anyway, enjoy the party. I'll just go grab a drink."

With that, he walks away, leaving Taehyung looking like the most lost-looking Jack Frost.

He starts to wander around, looking for you and the others. He's afraid that you'd drink too much or he'd drink too much until you two eventually lose each other tonight. One has to stay sober.

However, Taehyung being Taehyung, he sure draws a lot of attention to him, even just by doing nothing. And the fact that the people here either last saw him years ago or only seeing for the first time now didn't really seem to help, and more eyes were on him.

"Hell no," one boy dressed as a biker mutters under his breath, a smile forming up on his lips as he approaches Taehyung. He places a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, causing him to turn slowly around, a surprised expression on his face as he does. "Oh hell no, Kim Taehyung. How is this happening? You-You're actually here!"

Taehyung instantly pulls the older boy into his arms, trapping him in a tight hug. "Fuck, I missed you Jimin hyung."

"Watch the lungs. The beautiful human has to breath, brother," Jimin chuckles, slowly pulling away from Taehyung, "Ah, look at you. You actually look decent, but still, of course, sexy as ever," he winks. "Come, let's get drunk."

Jimin starts pulling Taehyung toward the kitchen where all the alcohol are in, but the younger boy hesitates. "Hm?" Jimin hums out.

"I shouldn't. Really."

The silver haired boy raises an eyebrow. "That's new," he chuckles out, "You've never said no to an opportunity to get shit-faced, although you are one of the most lightweight people I've met."

"Well, I still have to drive Y/N back to her place and I still need to get back home after that," he explains, although he was already having second thoughts whether he can stay sober until later tonight or not.

"Y/N? You two are hanging out? Are you guys dating again?"

"It's— uhm, it's actually kind of messed up," he starts. Enlightening Jimin as he starts explaining about what is actually going on between the two of you.

At the end of Taehyung's tale, Jimin nods, brows still knitted. "Yeah, that is messed up. Anyway, you really don't want to drink? I can get you the weakest kind of alcohol in here."

The younger boy sighs. " I guess a little drink won't hurt, yeah?"



It didn't hurt. He was tipsy, but he can manage... or at least he thinks so. Drinking a little didn't hurt Taehyung, he enjoyed even. In fact, he enjoyed so much that he completely lost track of time. The next thing he knew, it was 12:37 am.

And you were nowhere to be found.

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