Chapter 4: Cold

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The two of you step out of the cafe, with your drinks in your hands

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The two of you step out of the cafe, with your drinks in your hands. It was winter, and he can clearly see the fog of breath he creates whenever he exhales. It was so cold that he still shivers a little even when wearing his jacket.

He shifts his eyes to the side to check on you. Your hands were trembling as you hold your cup of hot chocolate. You sip a little, making your cheeks red. He smiles, still looking at you.

"Here," he says, taking one of your hands in his own and putting it inside the warm pocket of his jacket while still holding it, "Better?"

You slowly take your hand away. "Please don't." He loses his smile at that, eyes softening. "I'm still not quite comfortable with you yet, sorry."

"No, don't be," He giggles. It was really partly his fault. He knew you'd still be uneasy even though you've already accepted the deal, and that he still owes you an explanation of why he did that before. He's just not ready for that talk for now.

He shifts his eyes forward again, trying to gain back his smile. He sighs when he realizes that he wasn't really telling you much about what's going on here.

This poor girl is following him like she has no choice because he, apparently, is her boyfriend who is also her ex. He just took her hand and put it in my pocket and she doesn't even have the slightest idea of why they're supposed to be lovey-dovey. Worse, she doesn't look like she's liking this either.

He feels like a total creep, kidnapping her, but minus the struggle and screaming.

"I'm taking you to my house, by the way," he says.

You look at him, eyes wide. "W-what?"

He giggles. "My old place," he clears out, "The one you've been in to hundreds of times. I stay there again."

"Wow, you're really just coming back to everything you left two years ago, huh?" you seem to say mindlessly. He was suddenly feeling like being stabbed in the heart. He knew you didn't mean to say it, because you hate people being so insensitive. The softening of your eyes and the expression of alertness on your face kind of gave it away, too. "I, uh, didn't mean to. Sor-"

"I understand," He sighs out. He hates seeing you feel so guilty for something you shouldn't be guilty about. He's the one who left, he's the one who should be guilty. Heck, he should be curled up to a ball in his room in shame, but here he is, walking with the girl he left. "You shouldn't be sorry though. I'm sorry."

You keep your eyes trained in front of you, not even bothering to look back over at him. He completely understands. He can apologize a million times and still not be forgiven. He understands that you're still hurt. He understands you because he can't stand himself either. He feels like he's being so careless, just coming back all of a sudden after leaving without reason.

"I know," you say, an obviously forced smile forming on your face as you look at him, "And I know that you know that I still have so many shits to tell you, but I guess not all the time's a good time to stab you like this, especially now that we're supposed to train ourselves how to act like a couple again. So I still am sorry."

He rubs the back of his neck, warming it up as his hand gets cold. He puts his hand back to his pocket and chuckle mindlessly, "Yeah," he mutter out, and his voice gets softer as he says "I guess so."

Being comfortable with you wasn't as difficult as he thought it would be. It was almost unbelievable the in a matter of a few minutes only, you were already catching up with each other, chatting like you used to - well, of course minus the flirting.

In no time, you were already in front of his house. You look at him nervously, your fingers tapping on your cup.

"So," you start, "I just stand there with you and you do the talking, right?"

"Yes, don't worry. They didn't change a bit," he smiles, "They still love you as much, I'm sure, especially my dad. He misses you so much. You just nod and agree, and call me boo whenever we talk, just like before."

"Yeah," you say softly, "Just like- just like before. But I'm afraid you'd say something stupid and I'd have no other choice but to agree."

"I assure you, I won't," he raises my hand as if making a promise, "I'll behave."

"You should damn be. But I still hate you for making us do this now," you say and he can't help but smile at your cuteness, "Like, can't you wait until tomorrow, or even better, next week? We're not even ready, Tae."

"We can do this, stop worrying," I laugh as I turn the knob, slowly slipping my hand into yours.

The door opens and you two were immediately greeted by the coziness and hominess of their house. He was right, nothing has changed a bit.

You were distracted. You couldn't focus on what's in front of you since your attention is completely drawn on the feeling of his large hands wrapping around your own. The feeling was.... odd. It feels different now. Bad different. It doesn't feel as special as it did before.

Maybe because it's fake.

"Seokjin hyung," he calls out to his older brother, "She's here."

"Who's here?" he shouts out a reply as he sprints out from one of the rooms, his phone in hand. His eyes widen upon seeing you, throwing himself to you instantly, trapping you in a tight hug.

You had grown close to him before, but you cut off ties with Taehyung's family after Taehyung had cut off ties with you. You missed Seokjin.

"I've missed you," he says cheerfully next to your ear, "I thought I'd never see you again. You never came over. You never called." He pulls away, shifting his gaze from you then to Taehyung then back at you again. "So what's going on between," he gestures his finger to you then to Taehyung.

"We're dating again, hyung," Taehyung chuckles, his cheeks noticeably flushing, "Aren't we, boo?"

"Yeah, we're uh, we're actually a thing now," you say, which seemed to surprise Seokjin even more, "We kept in touch even after he left. We talked and worked things out. You know, on the phone and everything."

The older man's brows furrow. "Then why the hell are you two acting so tense?"

"She's probably still just getting used to everything again. It's been a while," he answers for you. He looks at you, his arm now swinging over your shoulders. "Hey," he whispers softly, "Say we go calm ourselves down for a bit, yeah?"

How the hell could he possibly calm me down?

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