Chapter 38: November 18, 2020

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Everyone was clamoring around

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Everyone was clamoring around.

There wasn't a single spot that you knew you can shift your eyes to and feel at peace. It felt as if you were lost in a big crowd, drowning in the ocean of uneasiness and discomfort. Everybody was quiet and worried, giving away the energy of heavy feeling that just wrapped around each and every one that was there.

You can pretty much sense that everyone was eyeing you, maybe figuring out how they can approach you and what they can say. There's no lifting you up and it's probably already clear for them, and if you're being honest, you like the comfortable loneliness. It's like that was the only thing they can give you for comfort.

You can see that Jeongguk was very fidgety though, walking back and forth just to catch a glimpse on you, check up on you and make sure that you were okay. He looked like he was so ready to hold you tight in his arms, wanting to take away all of your pain and transfer it to himself if he can.

Watching as Hoseok and Namjoon, who seemed to be the calmest ones, talk to the officers, your vision starts blurring up. You were about to cry again, and you honestly wonder how your eyes still managed to not run out of tears.

Yesterday afternoon until tonight was all tears. You felt like you never stopped crying yet your eyes didn't seem to be tired of shedding all those tears.

Your whole body felt so numb but you were feeling so much, and you don't even know how to express that anymore. It was like it's easier to keep all the pain to yourself, and harder to talk to someone about it.

You couldn't help but wonder how everything suddenly had came to this, going down and hurting so much so fast. Earlier today, Yoongi, who was on his way to DJ a party that was a little far away from home, found Taehyung's wrecked car, and he still seemed to not be over the shock of discovering the terrifying scene.

The more worrying thing is that only the car was found. Taehyung is out of sight.

Much like you, Yoongi was also staying quiet and not having much interaction with the others. He just stands still, expressionless and eyes opened a little wider than normal as he stared at the ground. You can still remember the tremble and fear and shock in his voice when he told you everything earlier.

The longer you were there, the harder and harder it becomes to keep yourself standing. It was getting more difficult to watch everything, and you knew you really needed someone's arms around you this time, so you just let your feet aimlessly drag you to anyone and not care whoever that person is.

You stop when you finally feel a form shadow over you. You feel your body shake again, and it was honestly annoying knowing that having someone's arms around you makes you cry even harder.

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