proluge: A Recall of Me

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(N/A  before you read this be aware I was 12 when I began this story, because of this the story is unplanned and  unfinished. Im currently 16, taking literature classes and have a new book on here called Beach Brumbies that I am very exited to be working on. Please go give that a read but if you'd like to stay here please do so because this book means so much to me. Regardless thank you for coming! ❤️)

The pillow I hug and the picture I held, besides my clothes, where the only things I was taking with me.
The children's hospital had been my home for the last month. Now, i was leaving. Trevor, My uncle walked in the room and held out a open hug "hey Hannah! Its been a long time." I stood there analyzing him. His cowboy hat, the jeans, the tucked in shirt followed by the belt. It was all so different from my dad.
I half hugged him back, trying to hold in my tears from staying down my pale cheeks. I then followed him to the out side of the building.
Outside Debra was standing by a couch holding my suit case I had packed earlier.
"Now remember to take those tablets after you eat breakfast for the next to weeks, now came here and give me a hug." She handed uncle T ('T' just for shorts.) My suit case and I bounded closely to the nurses arms. She was the one that had been there for me through this mess.

"Next up is contestant number 137." The camera wasn't working so I fiddled with its lens to try and fix it while Dad was in the arena, beginning his finale event. Grand Prix! out side the arena the road where everyone drove and parked their floats was crammed. A small, grey car; blaring the speakers of heavy metal rock, flew passed the arena and things went hectic. As the car drove passed a plastic bag flew out the window and landed right on the floor neck to a huge black Thoroughbred stallion that was tied to a float. then plastic bag got caught onto the stallions back leg sending him out of control. the stallion leaped up in fear and fight, then side ways aggressively pulling on his halter lead rope, hard with his muscular neck that the rope that tied him a bay had snapped at the ends letting the crazy beast tear down the arena towards my dad.

Meanwhile Dad had only just started his dressage when the stallion that had been eyeing-off  my dads stallion  galloped straight for it with it'd head high and it's ears back, snarling with its teeth.
screaming began as everyone watching . I screamed at dad to get off. But it was too late. dad was trying to dismount but his foot got stuck into the stirrup, and he dropped and hung there being flung around. I got to my feet and raced for the two stallions that where kicking, biting and raring aggressively. When I got to the horses there where several other men that had gotten there first and I was pulled away, watching the men pull my Dad out of the uncontrollable battle of the two stallions.
"Hannah?" I realize I was crying and sobbing.

i zoned out and had flash backs often and Debra said soon i'll get better and they would go away, but how long is soon? Maybe with uncle T I'll be happy again. I could not wait for the day someone would put a smile back on my face. Because the last time I smiled was when dad handed me the camera to take photos.
Maybe I'll meet someone that will make me just as happy...

Shazzie... Please keep reading if you want to follow Hannah on the amazing life story. Love shazzie!

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