Chapter 12

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As Randolph Mysters came forward to greet me, "I have been expecting you Ms. Lilith Moonlight. I am sure you have many questions about many things."

Well at least this one was a lot more talkative unlike back at the SIA. For someone that is a vampire, he really did seem old. I wondered how old he really is but I don't want to seem rude or anything.

"I am stuck at the age of 54 but my vampire age is 32,630 years old. No need to tiptoe around any quests dear, no questions will offend me," Randolph Mysters answered.

"How did you know I was wondering about that? Can you read my mind Mr. Mysters." Could he read minds? If so, I'm going to have to be careful with what pops up in my mind. All of a sudden Stefan pops up in my mind and I could feel my cheeks getting slightly red. Oh god, I hope he didn't hear that.

"Please, call me Randolph, Mr. Mysters is my father and between you and me, Mr. Mysters sounds too old for me," he chuckled using that lame dad joke. "No, I can't read minds but normally everyone I met is always curious about my age," he shrugged.

Well that makes me feel better. Having him in my mind while I think about Stefan would be too much for me to handle.

"I'm sure you wonder why the new part was added to your prophecy and I can answer you that. Your fate is destined out and whatever actions you make within your journey, your fate does change. Before you ask, I don't know for sure what your fate is. I only know what I can see. Fate is and has always been a mysterious entity. Just like our Goddess Danu. They work in mysterious ways."

"Will I always be alone..." That was one question that I fear the most. I was afraid to know the answer but it was urgent.

"Lilith, I don't know your outcome with your journey will be. I do know at times you will face things alone but just like fate, everything is up to how you face your journey. Nothing is certain."

I took in his words and it was better than what my thoughts were saying. I remember part of the prophecy where I would fall and I needed to know what that meant. "In the prophecy, it said I would fall. Does that mean that I would die?"

"Your destiny is unknown. Your actions are a big part of your journey. I have no idea when you die or if you will even die. The term 'fall' can mean different things. Where you walk in your path, will open a new opportunity. Our Goddess, Danu, will play a part in your life and it may change the outcome. You will never be truly alone because Goddess Danu will always be by your side as she is with us all," Randolph stated.

"Who is behind the rogue vampires," I wondered.

"I do not know who it is as my visions were never cleared. Though I do assume you may have come across this vampire. If I knew who it was, everyone would have known about it."

I just had one more question. "Did you know my parents?" It was a longshot but maybe I can find out more.

"Yes. I have personally met Rachael and Astro. I am so sorry for your loss. Your mother, she was a very powerful Elemental. You look just like her. Your father, he was special himself. A Fae of course but not like the others," he answered.

"How did they die?" Hopefully a clue, a way to find the people responsible for ruining my life.

"I do not know exactly. I knew what your life would end up at this point but not the cause of their deaths," he said dreadfully.

"It couldn't of been from the fire, could it? If my mom had the ability of water, why didn't she save themselves from it," I asked.

"The fire was not an ordinary fire. All I saw from the invasion was that she did try to put out the fire. That is why there were no scorch marks on them. The fire that was used was a distraction so that the people responsible could murder them. No matter how much power she used to take down the fire, it was hopeless. They were however able to protect themselves as she made a shield out of water to protect them from the fire," he explained.

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