Chapter 18

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Here we are, standing outside of the bar in a small town that seems to be located away from Eripmav. You would think a small 'boring' typical town, that you won't come across vampires, especially rogue vampires, right? Yeah, that is a hell no from this gal. Not only have I found Drake's uncle Ravakin, Lord Thornes brother of all fucking people but now we came across those pesky rogue vampires. I am starting to get sick of these bad timing. Father time if you are responsible for my incredible bad timing, please go take a vacation.

"You guys wouldn't mind letting us go peacefully would you?" I asked sincerely to the vampires. Getting zip zilch from the assholes, "I did not think so. Look, what do you guys want from me? Seriously, can't a gal have a break and go to a bar peacefully and drink?" Seriously though, could they not let me have some peace time?

"Our father wants you," one of the vampires pointed his finger at me. "This one," he pointed to Ravakin, "this one to be killed."

"Aw, did daddy command you to do another impossible task?" I taunted at them. Okay, maybe not the best time to mock them but he seriously said 'their father' like they were not asking me to make a comment. "Well your 'daddy' that this bitch will find whoever is responsible that it will have their time soon enough."

"You have interviene enough with our plans, once you are locked away, we will continue to take down the lords and we will be in power. We will raise hell on the petty humans as they will become our pets and food resource," another said.

I looked over at Ravakin hoping to see that he is prepared for a fight. I watched him take out a blue fire color dagger out of a sheath he had under his shirt. He saw my surprise look which led him to have a smirk. I thought of pulling out my dagger but I guess it would be a great time to work on my fire. It only took a moment for my body to feel the flames and for the first time, I surprised myself. Finally my powers want to work with me.

"Alright, who wants to become a toasty vamp now?" Reaching my hands out, palms up, I had the fire become visible from my hands.

I lifted my hand one at a time and shot out a fireball to both of the vampires that gave me lip. They instantly turned to dust. I could see shock expressions from the others which set my face into a smile. All of a sudden the rest of the vampires flew at Ravakin and I. I successfully dodge the attempt to get tackled. I shot my head up and saw a punch coming my way. I used my arm to move that punch away and kicked him the gut which sent him flying.

Another vampire came up behind me and his fangs out trying to bite into my neck. Without thinking I went to grab his knockers which then set his balls on fire. He ran screaming as his 'below the belt' section was on fire. If I wasn't getting attacked right now, I would have laughed my ass off but now was not the time.

One of the other vampires kneed me in the gut which knocked the air out of me and sent me to the ground. Fighting the urge to get up, I could feel the burning fire inside of me wanting to be released. Letting the fire control me, I announced, "You rogue vampires have failed your kind and now you will all pay the price," a dark voice came over me. I raised my arms in the air in a circular motion which then proceeded to become faster and faster than all of sudden fire balls started shooting out automatically as if I was using a machine gun shooting full blast. While some of the vampires made a run for it, others weren't successful and turned into dust. When no more rogue vampires came across our paths, I could feel my energy draining and my vision blackening.

I came to inside of a strange vehicle which ended up being a truck of some sort. I felt groggy and light headed. I turned my head slightly to see Ravakin driving with a serious with possibly worried face feature.

"What happened?" I startled Ravakin as I asked him.

"You become a badass is what happened!" He cheered. "Your hair turned into flames and your eyes had a mix of a fire red with your violet eyes. Than your voice became all dark and powerful as if you were possessed by some demon, very remarkable. Remind me to never piss you off," he joked.

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