09 | Panic

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possible TW *panic/anxiety attack*

possible TW *panic/anxiety attack*

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Everything was a blur.

The walls, the people, the crowd that swayed to an upbeat rhythm.

Red cups. I saw them holding red cups.

I saw grey eyes. They were piercing and hard to look away from.

His wicked grin was attractive as he grinned at the sight of me, but I shouldn't have felt that way about him.

Not after what he'd done.

I was outside again.

The music was muffled now, only a steady beat pulsing.

"Don't be scared, my little Raven," My heart pounded hard to the memory of his voice.

"You'll be okay with me," He hummed softly, his hand grasping my neck and jaw.

"¿Ty ponimayesh menya?" His grip tightened as he spoke in his native Russian language.
[Do you understand me?]

"Say something, Pearl," I wished his voice didn't sound like a caress.

"I understand," I didn't hear myself reply.

"That's right," A sharp pain pricked on my shoulder, and I flinched.

I woke up with a start, my hands reaching out to feel that I was in my bed, the covers pulled over me.

My breathing was short, and I knew I was panicking.

"Nev," I called out gently, hoping, praying she could hear me.

Somehow, she did.

Nevaeh knocked softly on my door and entered as I sat up on my bed, my breathing not steady.

"I heard you talking," She stood at the door, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. "Oh, shit,"

She took swift steps until she was sitting in front of me.

"Do you remember all the places I've broken my bones?" She held my hand, and tightly gripped my other arm.

Nev was distracting me from a panic attack.

"Yeah," My voice was raspy, and I sounded out of breath.

I felt it too, my chest burning in pain.

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