chapter 7

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Calvin POV.

i was at the club having a good time with my boys and i noticed that the club was getting pack by the minute and one by one all these fine girls  were coming in with their sexy ass dresses but it was one that stood out to me but she wasn't just a girl she was a beautiful breathtaking woman and i pray to god that i will have her in my arms this is my second time seeing her is this fate or god giving me a visual of my future.

"Well hello Miss Thompson i see you having a good time with your girls." I said to her while coming up behind her.

"Yes i am I'm even having more fun now that you're here it's good to see you calvinbear." She said to me.

"What are you drinking?." I asked her.

"It called white peach martini." She replied while taking another sip.

"May i have a dance with you?." I asked her.

"Sure." She replied.

We made our way to the dance floor and the dj changed the vibe of the music.

"You know it's been a long time since we come in contact." I said to her.

"I know it just like yesterday when we was bout to graduate high school and you told me you love me." She said to me.

"I remember that babygirl." I replied back to her

We danced all night long until the club closes at three in the morning then i took her to her favorite restaurant.

Steve soul food house.

"Oh my god you remembered?." She asked me.

"Of course and beside my momma took me here a while back." I said to her.

"Speaking of momma how she doing?." She asked me.

"She doing good she asked bout you yesterday well in fact everyday."

"Well i can't wait to see her again."

"You know I've been thinking bout you every since i seen you at the bank and seeing you brought back memories and i miss you."

"I have a question?."  She asked me.

"Ask away." I said to her.

"Why did you leave me?." She asked me.

"I don't think you are ready for that."

"Please just tell me." She said to me.

Kailia POV.

I sat there waiting for him to speak and he took a deep sigh.

"Remember when you and my father was arguing about me well after that night you left and went home he was on the phone with somebody named byrice-." I cut him off.

"As in the same damn byrice that bullied and tortured me." I said to him and no i wasn't drunk or high i didn't really drink that much.

"Yes that byrice he had him to pick this girl up and he didn't say her name but he called her lia." He said to me.

"Calvin i have something to tell you." I opened my mouth and nothing came out and the manager brought out our usual and we began digging in.

"What is it you wanna tell me?."  He asked and i took a deep sigh.

"That lia girl was me." I said to him.

"Wait what do you mean?." He asked me confused.

"You see after that night i left your house a car pulled up beside me and was asking me for a ride and i politely declined knowing my house is just few houses down and he told me i looked familiar to him and he got out began following me and i knew something was telling something wasn't right and i began to run and he caught with me and forced me into his car and took me to the Hollywood sign and he-?." I stopped as i began to cry and he got up and held me.

"Shh you don't have to explain just thank god it over baby." He said to me.

"There more after what he did to me he came back after i seen you at the bank and he did it again and that why you haven't seen me over two weeks he was arrested at my house for assualt." I said to him.

"Well good, now he deserves it." he said to me.

"Now enough bout me what about you Mr CEO of the largest bank in the US." I said to him lighten the mood up.

"Well after i left i went to study fianaces and I've got my master degree and bachelor degree and was working for a good boss who gave his company to me since he didn't have any kids it was just him and his wife." He said and i smiled at him.

"After i got my company i met my soon to be ex wife there she was working as the secretary for my brother and we dated for three years and got married we got no kids i wanted to have some but she couldn't concieve any kids at all cut to now i found out she took money out of my insurance and was sleeping with my brother behind my back." He said to me.

"Wow looks like we both been hurt in our time apart." I said to him.

"You're right but hey let not worry bout that, i was thinking since this is our supposed to be our lunch and dinner how bout a date." He said to me.

"That will be amazing." I said to him as we finished eating and packing up our food.

We walked to my car and he opened my door and i gave him my number and we hugged but it more like a this is not the last time i will see you type of hug.

"Goodnight i will text you and let you know im home." He said to me.

"I'll be waiting." I got in my car and drove off and i thought about sasha and ebony i forgot left at the club but i realized they got rides home and i made it home and got settled in and began watching  my favorite show on hulu LIVING SINGLE.

"We are living single
Ooh in a 90s kind of world
I'm glad i got my girls."  I rapped along with queen as my phone light letting me know i got a notification or someone calling me.

Calvin=C & kailia=K

C=hello beautiful just calling to let you know I made it home.
K= well thank you handsome I made it home not too long ago wyd.
C= let me guess watching living single I'm getting ready to watching TV.
K=you know me so well let me guess johnny bravo.
C= you already know baby girl it was good seeing you tonight.
K=you too let's do it again."
C= I'll take you to dinner at 8:00 pm be ready.
K=I will just don't be late.
C=oh i won't baby I won't.

So what you think is going to happened next.

How you feel bout them restarting their relationship

Now who ready for some drama and sex.


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