Movie Night

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Hey, guys so first of all thanks for clicking on my story. I'm just going to be writing some short Tom Hiddleston imagines and if you have any requests feel free to message me or comment. Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!

Today was Friday. Movie night with your best friend Tom. Tom Hiddleston yes the famous actor who has so many dedicated fans who love him and who will protect him no matter what. You had both been friends since you were in primary school! Now he is a famous actor and you have your very successful photography business. Things were going pretty well for you both but you are both always so busy so you decided that you would both try to stay free on the last Friday of the month so you could spend time together. Tom would come round yours at about 6 pm with Pizza and you arranged a film and you were all set. You were pulled out of your daydream by the doorbell ringing. It was Tom. You ran to the door and throw your arms around him.

"Hey!" You squeal as Tom works his way into your house closing the door behind him.

"Missed you so much," Tom says hugging you.

"How have you been? Hows work? I want to know everything" Tom pleaded as he pulled away still holding onto your hands. You started to laugh. You held onto Tom's hand and took him into the living room. You sat with Tom on the sofa as you started to discuss work and how this business has been going.

"I'm so glad everything has been going well for you!" Tom said nudging you with his elbow. You smiled looking down.

"What about you?" You asked. "How is work for you? you asked again.

"Not bad, not bad" Tom replied not adding much detail.

"What is it?" You asked trying to catch Tom's eye.

"Oh it's nothing just got a new contract to do some filming in America," He said looking at you with a tiny smile on his face.

"Tom!" You scream "That's amazing!" You scream again throwing your arms around him giving him a huge hug.

"There is just one problem," Tom said. His smile had dropped.

"What's wrong?" You started to feel less confident now.

"It's a two-year contract in the States so I wouldn't be able to come home," He said looking you dead in the eye.

"Oh," You didn't really know what to say. "Well, it's a good opportunity why don't you take it? what's holding you back?" You ask feeling slightly scared of the answer.

"I won't see you for two years I don't think I could manage two years without you," Tom said placing his hand on your knee.

You feel your eyes tearing up. "Tom I don't want to be the one who holds you back. I think you should take the job we can Facetime every night and I could come and visit" You felt your voice crack as you placed your hand on top of his. You suddenly see his face lighten up.

"What?" You asked feeling very curious.

"Come with me," Tom said standing up.

"What?" You asked again feeling shocked.

"Think about it we will be together and you could still run your business out there it's only two years I will pay for your ticket please Y/N, you have to come with me," Tom said kneeling down next to you. He holds your hand in both of his.

"I need you Y/N," He said again but much calmer.

"I ... I don't know what to say" You said looking at your hands in his. "Two years?" You ask looking at Tom. His smile was so irresistible how could you say no. You felt yourself smiling and the words 'OK' managed to work there way out of your mouth. You felt Tom's arms swing around you.

"This is going to be so much fun" Tom mumbled into your hair. He pulled away and fell against the sofa.

"We leave in a week," Tom said smiling as he places his feet on the coffee table.

So my first imagine hope you liked it. Please leave a comment for feedback it really means a lot. Thank you:)

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