Past Emerging (part 2)

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"Sir! The Imperials are breaking down the border!" 

"Gather up, men! We have a war to fight!"

Everyone rushed to get out of the building and fight off the invaders. Harrold pushed past Benjamin, and went to the front of their lines. The fighting began.

The Mandalorians began shooting down the Stormtroopers, but their numbers were depleting fast, luckily for them, the rebels had readied themselves and were coming to their aide. Benjamin had taken a spot high up in the bell tower of a church, and with his sniper, began shooting down as many troops as he could. Roxy was with Rex and Ahsoka on the front lines, seeing as they were some of the most experienced fighters. Roxy, unaware that she was about to be shot at, kept fighting, Benjamin was the threat and shot the trooper to her left. She jumped, then looked to Benjamin and nodded. 

Rex didn't let the action go unnoticed, he had noticed them exchanging looks recently, and he knew all too well what that meant. He would have a talk with Roxy later.

Benjamin's father was taking on more than he could handle, that was just like him, thought Ben. He was overwhelmed with how many of his friends, and now family members, he had to protect, but now wasn't the time to panic, he continued shooting any of the troops that got too close to his friends. He spotted a few fuel barrels clone to the Imperial ship. He shot the barrel closest to the ship, and it exploded, it set off a chain reaction, the ships, and everyone aboard them, were destroyed and dead.

The rebels, with this advantage, advanced with the River Clan, and took care of the last of the Stormtroopers. Once they were all gone, they went to save the members of their clan that had been taken hostage. Harrold had taken lead again, and as he approached one of the houses, he was shot. Benjamin turned and shot the troop that had fired the bullet. 

He ran to his father, why? He owed this man nothing, this man was awful to him his entire life, why did he feel this loyalty to him? Because he's family, and he deserves a chance. 

"Dad!" He yelled, there was an ambush of a small squad of death troopers, Benjamin was the only near his father, and the only one to take on these enemies. He took out his pistol and shot down three of them, then his pistol jammed, "Shit!".

He took out his knife and used what he learned as an assassin to take down the four others, slitting throats, taking them out at the knees, whatever he had to, he came out of it unscratched, except for the actual scratch on his face from some debree.

His father had watched it all from his spot on the ground. "Dad are you alright?" Benjamin asked, "I'm fine, it's only my leg, I'll live." He replied a little coldly. Benjamin gritted his teeth, and helped his father up, and helped him to walk out of the building. The rebels had taken care of the last few scragglers, and the rest of the townsfolk were safe.

"Where's Roxy" Benjamin asked, "I'm here" she said, out of breath, sweaty and a bit bloody. She had a few cuts and bruises on her face, and a couple bullet grazes on her arms and legs. "Get in a fist fight without me?" "Maybe." She shrugged and helped him with his father. 

They took Harrold to the med bay in the base, there were rebels and mandalorians alike, being fixed up, and helping each other. Roxy shoved Benjamin a bit, he knew what it meant, while she stepped out to talk to Rex, Benjamin went back to his father. 

"Dad I-" "Let me stop you there, I know what you're gonna say, I was a lousy father, and I never treated you right and I don't deserve your forgiveness." "Actually I was going to apologize for cursing you out in front of everyone, though I meant what I said, you do deserve my forgiveness. You're still my father, and mom found a way to look past all your flaws, maybe I can." Benjamin said.

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