The clone wars characters as Vines/Tiktoks/memes

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*Disclaimer! I do not own any of these references or songs or characters aside from Roxy! Enjoy!*


Anakin: I've connected the dots!

Obi-wan: You didn't connect shit.

Anakin: I've connected them!


Padme: All women are QUEENS!

Tarkin: If she breathes...she's a THOOOTTT!!!!!!!


Rex: I should have left you on that street corner where I found you...

Roxy: BuTcHyA DiDn'T!!!


The Chancellor: No off topic questions. Because I don't want to. No, no, permission denied. That's an off topic question, next. You have been stopped!


Rex, filming Anakin and Obi-wan: Two bro's, chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they're not gay!


Roxy: *Looking at batteries* AA....AAA......AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


The 501st drunk off their asses: A potato flew around my room! 



Barris: Hey I'm lesbian...

Ahsoka: I thought you were Mirialan?


Wolffe, after a mission and being around the 501st or the 412th: I don't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all ain't gonna sleep cause of me!! *Banging pans together*


Kix: Hardcase, get on the speeder we're going to the vet.

Hardcase: Why? Is one of the dogs sick?

Kix: No, I'm just taking you in to get you put down cause I'm sick of your shit.



Hardcase, in the ER after gluing himself to something again

Kix:...I can't decide whether you should live or die...


Jesse: So I'm sitting there...BBQ sauce on my titties

Roxy: *Dying of laughter*


Fives: I saw you hanging out with Cody the other day.

Echo: Fives! It's not what you think!

Fives: *Pulling out his gun* I won't hesitate, bitch!


(I'm realizing halfway through this probably isn't very funny, is it? Oh well.)


Ahsoka: Road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does!

Anakin: *facepalm*


Rex: Look at all those clankers...


The 412th: Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens!

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