20: Tessa

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Will and I, both sat on either sides of Jem's bed in the infirmary. Tears were streaming down my face, as I looked at Jem. He was asleep. His eyes closed peacefully, and his hair strewn across his forehead.

I looked over at Will. He was staring at Jem, with tears in his eyes.

"What are we going to do without him?" he whispered.

"I don't know." I choked out.

"He doesn't deserve this." I say. "He deserves a long happy life, not laying in a bed dying so young." I sob Loudly.

Will gets up and walks over to me, and puts his arms around me. We lay there for a few minutes just silent.

"I was right." A voice suddenly says.

It's Jem. Laying in his bed, wearing a smile on his face.

"Right about what?" Will asks.

"That I would leave Tessa in good hands." He says, still with a smile.

"Please don't talk like that." I say untangling myself from Will, and kneeling beside Jem.

"Tessa, you know that there's no denying it anymore. Tomorrow, I won't be here." He says sadly and I collapsed onto his bed and hug him.

It wasn't fair. Why did Jem, someone with such a pure heart and soul, have this happen to him? life wasn't fair at all.

"I love you so much my Jem." I sob.

"I love you too my Tessa." He replies

I then stand back, and let Will have his turn. I know that he must be breaking inside more than me. Jem was the one who gave light to Will's life, even in the darkest of times. Will, will never be able to move on.

Will goes and kneels beside Jem.

"Please don't leave me." Will's voice cracked and I stifle a sob.

"I'll never truly leave you. See that." Jem points to Will's Parabatai rune. "Even when I'm gone, and it fades. I'll always still be there with you. You can't get rid of me that easily William." Jem finished with a smile.

"I always thought that you were the better part of me. Who will be the better part of now?" Will says with a Tear sliding down his face.

"No one. You have changed so much Will. I don't think you need anyone to be the better part of you anymore." Jem says.

"Just promise me one thing." Will says.

"Anything." Jem says.

"When I'm dead, promise me you'll be waiting for me up in Heaven, to cross the gates with me." Will says

"Of course. It will always be James Carstairs, and William Herondale forever." Jem says with a smile on his face.

Will then stands up and sits in the chair on the other side of Jem's bed, and I sit down on the other. We all join hands, Will holds Jem's, and Jem holds mine. Not speaking, just silent.

These boys had changed my life. I loved them both so dearly. I silently cherished the last moment we would all share together. Just us,

Tessa Gray, James Carstairs, and William Herondale.

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