W H E L V E *

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* (v.) To bury something deep; to hide.


Phun opened his eyes in the morning. It had been a month that he ended the relationship with Noh. He wondered if they are still friends because there was no text, no call, neither meeting each other in purpose or by chance. God was being too cooperative this time.

There was a box from Noh, a gift for their 4th anniversary. Phun had not touched it since that night. He forgot, yes that was true. He was busy carrying on his life without Noh. If Phun opened the gift, he would want to make Noh come back. He did not want that.

"I want that." Phun corrected his mind without delay. "Noh does not want that."

Phun got up. He had to go to University's Learning Center. Last afternoon, the officer called him to go there today. Phun knew it will be a good news.

When Phun arrived at the Learning Center, the officer gave him a letter with no word. Phun who did not know what the letter is about, decided to go to building next to Learning Center and join his friends in University Library.

"Aw, Phun. You are late."

There was no sweet greeting from Yacht, so Phun felt no need to respond him. He dwelled with the letter in his hand.

"What letter is that, Ai Phun?" Boun asked as the seriousness on Phun's face caught his attention.

"Acceptance letter from CL University."

Yacht and Boun was surprised. They have never heard that Phun is gonna apply there.

"Ai Phun, you have accepted in-"

"Hmm." Phun nodded. He made Yacht stunned even more for cutting his words off. "But I prefer this one." Phun added.

Boun sensed something wrong. He had this idea about the reason why Phun changing heart about his master program. "Does Noh know about this?" Boun asked again.

"Of course not." Phun answered instantly. "It's not his business."

The answer hit Yacht and Boun in the face. Their eyes were wide opened because of this.

Phun turned his head to his two friends. As expected from two nosy friends who suddenly stopped talking, they were speechless or, perhaps, confused with what they just heard.

Phun smiled, "We are no longer together."

Yacht looked at Boun right away after hearing the quick fix from Phun, but Boun diverted his eyes to another side and started reading the book in front of him.

Phun laughed seeing Yacht being left by Boun. Still, Phun understood Boun who did that because of respecting Phun and make up his mind not to ask any further. So, what Phun did was patting Yacht on his shoulder and said, "No worries, friend. I'm fine now."

Yacht was Phun's university's friend. He did not follow Phun's life from the very beginning, but he concerned about his friend's romantic relationship. When Yacht met Phun, Noh and he had been a couple for a year. In Yacht's eyes, it was easy to tell about their relationship since Phun always prioritize Noh over everything and the happy-go-lucky Noh could be extremely serious when it comes to Phun.

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