W I T H E R S H I N S *

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* (adv.) Counterclockwise; in a direction contrary to the natural one.


The man who was sleeping soundlessly inside Phun's embrace was someone that Phun himself had never thought will be the one who own his whole heart. The first time he asked Noh to be his boyfriend was purely for his own advantage, an attempt to save his relationship with his girlfriend at that time and tricked his sister to help him avoiding his father's arranged marriage planning for Phun.

Time went by and Phun's feeling could not hold back the feeling that started growing for Noh. Until today. That feeling remained the same.

Noh must be really tired yesterday. He used to wake up earlier than Phun. Phun was also aware that Noh could not sleep until Phun who had slept got up in the middle of the night, finding Noh with his eyes wide opened staring at the ceiling without words, hugged Noh tightly.

Phun wanted to make Noh smiling like he used to do when they were in high school. Being a busy university student made Phun unable to be a good boyfriend. That smile of Noh that Phun cherished the most was rarely shown. Phun noticed it, but he wanted to keep the relationship as long as he can because he loved Noh more than anything in the world. Until that night... Phun decided to stop being wrapped up in himself in the relationship, so he granted Noh wish when Noh asked again.

Phun made sure that everything he did was exactly like Noh wanted. That is why Phun was confused when Noh did not look happy at all. He had no clue whether it was because of his presence that is supposed to disappear or other reason.

Noh started moving. His golden brown hair was long enough to cover his eyes. Normally, Noh used hair gel to make the hair in its place since the hair he has was too flowy.

With his eyes still shut, Noh flipped his body to sleep with his back to Phun. However, he kept Phun's arms wrapping his body.

"Have the rain stopped?"

"Hmm." Phun replied shortly. "Is the air conditioner too cold? I will turn it down for you."

"No, I'm good." Noh answered instantly. "You don't have to keep hugging me. You can let go."

Phun moved his body closer until there was no distance between his skin and Noh's skin.  His chest touched Noh's back. Phun wondered if Noh could hear his heartbeat. "Which part of my behavior that makes you think I want to let you go?" Gently, Phun kissed Noh's shoulder.

You rejected me yesterday, Noh had the answer that he kept inside. He let himself being spoiled and cuddled by Phun. He was surprised for a second when Phun turned Noh's head to face him. "What are you gonna do now, huh?"


"It is still morning. I just woke up."

"What's wrong with 'just woke up'? I just woke up, too."

"Phun, sto-"

"I can't kiss you?"

"You- fine!" Noh lifted his head up to kiss Phun's lips and threw his head back on the pillow right away. "Go to shower already, Ai Phun. We have to head back."

Before leaving the bed, Phun kissed in many spots on Noh's body, from the neck to the back. He went to the shower room with a big smile.

Noh shook his head in disbelief. He could feel Phun's love but at the same time, he could not trust that feeling. Noh pulled the blanket up to his head, wishing he could hide himself forever underneath and run from this problem.

Noh sighed for zillion times in his office. The co-workers did not dare to bother him even though there was no history of Noh losing his composure when he was angry. The mood Noh set today was too ill-timed.

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