M A R D Y *

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* (adj.) Moody or miserable.


Two months had passed since the annual music festival. Final year university students had been busy working on their presentation before graduating and finally today had come for them to attend the ceremony.

Noh could not find Phun anywhere in university hall where all students gathered for graduation ceremony. He was about to call Phun, but he held back. He was nothing to Phun anymore. Noh had no right to ask where Phun was even though he wanted to take picture together with Phun before Phun left tomorrow.

When he saw Yacht and Boun in the hall, Noh brought himself to ask about Phun but the answer did not help him at all.

"Ai Phun? Oh, he had gone. He had many things to pack." Yacht answered while walking away to greet his friends.

Noh breathed deeply and Boun caught him red-handed. When Noh saw Boun was still there, watching him, Noh startled. "Wha-what? Did I do something wrong?"

Boun shook his head. He smirked. Boun's smirk always gives Noh goosebumps, he preferred not to see it. "He plans to go to graduation party tonight so he have to pack earlier."

"Is that so?"

"Hmm." Boun nodded as a confirmation. "If you want to meet him one last time before he goes tomorrow, just attend the event tonight."

Noh fell silent. He just remembered about the party. Phun told him about if two months ago. How could he forget it?


Noh sighed. "Sure. I'm gonna attend the party. We can not miss it since it will be the last event for us all." He tried his best not smiling too wide, hiding his relieved at heart. "See you later, Ai Boun."

"See you there."

Noh ran a little, breaking through the crowd. He had no idea than Boun was still watching him.

"They are really frustrating."

Noh was one of people at the group of Arts faculty students in University Hall. Most of them were holding glasses of juice or a place of desserts. Noh was different. Since the first step he put on the floor of the hall, his eyes wondered around. Noh knew what he wants, who he wants to meet, why he is there. All was because of Phun. Yet, Noh could not find him again.

Noh decided to separate himself with his group. He approached a group of Economic students and he was greeted warmly by Yacht and Boun again. This time, Noh was more blunt. "Have you seen Phun?" He asked, completed with uneasiness shown on his face.

"He has not come yet." Boun answered instantly.

"Is he really going to attend this party?" Noh asked again. "The opening speech already ended and now we are just enjoying music. Soon, games and student awards will be announced."

Yacht grinned, but he said nothing other than turning his back against Noh and continued having conversation with others from economic faculty.

"He is coming, Noh. Don't panic." Boun calmed Noh down.

"I'm not panicking." Noh dodged Boun straightaway. "I'm going to take some desserts while waiting for him."

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