6- April

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An hour later, we sat in front of the tv watching a movie together. We were eating a Chinese and telling each other random things about ourselves.
When we finished our food, Chan asked if i wanted anything.
"Nah, i'm just tired." I told him. Without another word, he had pulled me onto his lap. I sat, knees either side of him, resting my head on his shoulder.
"You're weird." I mumbled.
"I know." He replied softly, rubbing small circles on my back. The soft material of the clothes he let me wear was comforting and his scent was welcoming. I loosely draped my arms over his shoulders as i felt my eyes slowly closing. Not long after, i was asleep.
I awoke still lying on Chan. He was asleep beneath me, his plump lips slightly parted and his arms around my hips. I sat up to admire the sleeping beauty before leaning back into him and hugging him gently.
It may not be normal to be this close with someone you met a few days ago but neither is sleeping with someone like that, so I didn't question this.
His head moved and came to rest atop mine. It was adorable to say the least. I remained awake for a while, playing with his fluffy hair trying not to disturb him. At one point his eyes fluttered open and he looked at me with a puzzled look.
"Channie shall we go upstairs?" I asked softly. He nodded, then we slowly got up and walked hand-in-hand up to his room. His clock said it was 2:36 in the morning. The sleepy boy fell into bed instantly, throwing the covers over himself. I slid under them carefully and laid on my side to get comfy. I felt his arm snake its way over my waist and hold me loosely, causing a small smile to appear on my lips as i tried to fall back asleep. The last thing i remember is Chan nuzzling his head into the back of my neck as he shuffled closer.

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