29- June

567 11 0

As promised, Chan hung out with me the next day. I told Changbin i was going for lunch with a friend when he asked where i was going. I eagerly hopped into Chan's car, which was just outside our house.
"Where to?" I asked.
"Well, i thought a day at the funfair followed by a romantic evening at my house." He told me.
"Romantic?" That sounded unlike us.
"Well as romantic as it gets with us." He chuckled.
At the fair we went on all the rides (even the super fast roller coasters). I absolutely hated all of the bigger rides but luckily Chan was there to hold my hand. Although, he laughed a lot when i got scared of heights.
By far, my favourite rode of the day was the ferris wheel. When we stopped at the top, despite my fears, we stared out at the pretty landscape.
"Thanks by the way." I said as we looked upon the city.
"For what?" He asked.
"For bringing me to the fair and for being there for me since day one. Promise me that even if we stop being friends with benefits that you will stay my best friend." I replied. His arms snaked around my waist, his body pressed against my back.
"I promise." He whispered, resting his chin on my shoulder.
After the ride, we decided to go home. Chan said his surprise should be ready and a text seemed to confirm it for him.
In the car, i got to choose the music and Chan giggled when i danced in my seat. He intertwined our hands as i changed the song to a slower one that i could sing along to.

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