38- July

517 13 0

"Y/n, let's go!" Changbin called from outside. I hurried to et out of the door and into the car. I was super excited about the two weeks away. I would be spending all my time with my friends and there was no need to worry about Sunho for awhile. I felt really joyous and relieved.
The drive to the hotel was an hour but when we arrived i happily ran to get inside. I dragged my suitcase into the building and rushed to get my room key. I swiftly said bye to the boys, before heading up to my room.

I opened the door and sat on the bed waiting for me was Christopher Bang. I shut the door behind me and practically ran to be in his arms. I hopped up into his arms, wrapping my legs around him as he caught me. It took no time at all for our lips to meet in a long kiss.
"Have you missed me that much?" He asked when we broke apart.
"'m just excited, that's all." I shyly his my face in his shoulder.
"Well, we have no plans this evening and i have a few ideas of what we could do." He smirked, placing me down on the large bed.
I kept my hands on his shoulders as he hovered above me, looking intensely into my eyes.
Just as he was about to lean in, there was a knock on the door.

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