10- April

631 15 0

"How many messages had Sunho left you?" Felix asked. It had been a few days since the phone call and it had been constant.
"2 missed calls and 26 texts." I sighed.
"Can i please talk to him?" Changbin said calmly.
"Absolutely not." I replied "i want him to stop contacting me, not for him to die." I joked.
"Awww Binnie just want to be a protective older brother." Felix cooed.
"The rule should be that i have to approve of any guy that you date." Changbin suggested.
"Fine by me." I shrugged. "I don't plan on being in a relationship anytime soon." Guilt flushed over me as I remember my arrangement with Chan: that's nothing serious though, so maybe I didn't need to worry about it.
Hey, Bin mentioned a guy was harassing you. You ok? x

Omg, Changbin is just being over protective. x

Are you free tonight?

I can be.
When and where?

Your place at 9, if that's ok

See you then ;)

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