23- June

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"So, I've booked us all a holiday." Hyunjin smiled excitedly as he told the group his news.
"You did what?" Was my first response.
"We are all going camping for the first two weeks of August." He told us. "I'll let you know how much each of you owe me before the end of the month."
"Hyunjin, I can't afford to go on a holiday." I retorted.
"Oh come on Y/n, lighten up and have some fun." The tall boy seemed to think that his idea was the best but i had a very different opinion. I got up and left the lounge where all ten of us had been. I ran to the bathroom as the tears began to fall.
A few moments after i had shut the door, there was a knock.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
It was Chan.
"Yeah." I lied. "I'll be out in a second."
"Y/n don't lie to me. Please tell me what's wrong." His voice was calm but strong. I hesitantly unlocked and opened the door. He pulled me into his arms.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" His voice became softer and quieter.
"You know how i had had a bad day at work?" I said. "Well what i meant was i got fired."
His arms tightened around me. Then he leans back. His thumb came up to wipe away my tears.
"Come on. We'll figure out what to do but for now don't be sad."
I gave a weak smile and then we went back to the group. I sat beside Changbin and he put an arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into my brother, listening to what each of them said and coming to the realisation that I couldn't get out of Hyunjin's vacation. I became slightly more interested when Chan chimed in.
"Why don't we make it a birthday treat for the Seo twins? We could each chip in to pay for them." He suggested. For a split second our eyes met and he gave me a warm smile. The boys all agreed that that would be easier than finding proper presents and so it was settled that they would pay for the holiday.

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