18- May

625 14 3

"Channie I don't want to go home. I like being away from the boys and being with you." I pouted. "I'm so much more relaxed here."
"But you promised Changbin you'd go home and I don't want to get in trouble with him if he finds out you've been here." Chan said.
"I'll go back in two days. Then I won't have to endure their anniversary." I shivered at the thought of experiencing another cringe fest, full of Changlix being a cutesy couple.
"Fine." He sighed.
"Thank you." I launched myself at him with my arms open for a hug. He engulfed me in his embrace and i sprinkled small kisses over his face.
Bin 🗑
U ok? I'm getting worried about u :/

I'm ok Binnie, I'll be home tomorrow:)

Bin 🗑
What time will you be back?

How's ur anniversary going?

Bin 🗑
It's great! Later we r going on a date a Lix's favourite restaurant and then we're going to the cinema :))

Sounds fun
I gtg, I'll text you when I'm on my way home.
"So you know how it's my last day at yours." I said, walking into the lounge. Chan was sat watching the tv but his attention shifted to me as i spoke.
"Can we have sex tonight?" I asked. "Like right now?"
I felt embarrassed asking but his warm smile eased my nerves.

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